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雅思阅读真题解析-剑15Test2Passage2-Should we try to bring extinct-人名观点配对题

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2021-09-28 11:26


雅思阅读真题解析-剑15Test2Passage2-Should we try to bring extinct-人名观点配对题


Questions 23-26

Look at the following statements (Questions 23-26) and the list of people below.

Match each statement with the correct person, A, B or C.

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.




Reintroducing an extinct species to its original habitat could improve the health of a particular species living there.


题干可以划关键词的有an extinct species, habitat和a particular species。这里的extinct species和particular species在原文中都会对应具体的动物,这里的habitat在原文中对应具体的栖息地,如沼泽,森林,草原等。


B In Australia, the thylacine, more commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger, is another extinct creature which genetic scientists are striving to bring back to life. ‘There is no carnivore now in Tasmania that fills the niche which thylacines once occupied,’explains Michael Archer of the University of New South Wales. Hepoints out that in the decades since the thylacine went extinct, there has been a spread in a ‘dangerously debilitating’facial tumour syndrome which threatens the existence of the Tasmanian devils, the islands other notorious resident. Thylacines would have prevented this spread because they would have killed significant numbers of Tasmanian devils. 'If that contagious cancer had popped up previously, it would have burned out in whatever region it started. The return of thylacines to Tasmania could help to ensure that devils are never again subjected to risks of this kind.'


上文第二句出现了Michael Archer,这句中的关键词有no carnivore【食肉动物】,Tasmania和thylacines【袋狼】。题干中的species可以对应这里的thylacines,你可能会说这个单词你不认识。这个时候可以看这句本身,这句开头说了carnivore(这个单词还是要会的嘛),这句后半部分说了thylacines once occupied,说明它是在Tasmania生活的一种食肉动物。(如果看这句也不懂那就接着往后看,找线索确定thylacine是什么东西。你觉得做题速度慢,你的一部分时间就花在这儿了,你要花额外的时间去推测这个单词的意思,如果不认识carnivore,那花的时间可能更长,所以提高阅读速率,背单词是很重要的一方面。)但这句中的关键词不够,我们要在原文中找到另一个species和improve health对应的信息。上文最后一句中的if能看出来这是个假设,可以对应题干中的could【将会;可能会】(不要觉得这个思路很low, 拿到分数的都是好猫)这句中的return可以对应题干中的Reintroducing【re+introduce:重新引入,introduce除了介绍还有“引入“的意思】,这句中的help ensure devils are never subjected to risks【确保袋獾不再受…的风险】对应题干中的improve the health of a particular species,所以答案是B。


It is important to concentrate on the causes of an animal's extinction.


题干可以划关键词的有causes和animal’s extinction。这里的causes在原文中可能会对应疑问句和并列句来解释具体的原因。


F While the prospect of bringing, extinct animals back to life might capture imaginations, it  is, of course, far easier to try to save an existing species which is merely threatened with  extinction. ‘Many of the technologies that people have in mind when they think about  de-extinction can be used as a form of “genetic rescue”, explains Shapiro. Sheprefers to focus the debate on how this emerging technology could be used to fully understand why various species went extinct in the first place, and therefore how we could use it to make genetic modifications which could prevent mass extinctions in the future. ‘I would also say there’s an incredible moral hazard to not do anything at all,’ she continues, ‘We know that what we are doing today is not enough, and we have to be willing to take some calculated and measured risks.'


上文第二句出现了Shapiro, 这句中的关键词有technologies, people, de-extinction和genetic rescue,但题干没有相关的关键词。第三句中的why various species went extinct对应题干中的the causes of an animal's extinction,不用觉得这个对应很难,你只需要关注why,这个肯定是在讨论原因。这句中的focus the debate on对应题干中的important to concentrate on,所以这道题答案是C。


A species brought back from extinction could have an important beneficial impact on the vegetation of its habitat.




D This complicated process and questionable outcome begs the question: what is the actual point of this technology? ‘For us, the goal has always been replacing the extinct species with a suitable replacement,’explains Novak. ‘When it comes to breeding, band-tailed pigeons scatter and make maybe one or two nests per hectare, whereas passenger pigeons were very social and would make 10,000 or more nests in one hectare.'Since the disappearance of this key species, ecosystems in the eastern US have suffered, as the lack of disturbance caused by thousands of passenger pigeons wrecking trees and branches means there has been minimal need for regrowth. This has left forests stagnant and therefore unwelcoming to the plants and animals which evolved to help regenerate the forest after a disturbance. According to Novak, a hybridised band-tailed pigeon, with the added nesting habits of a passenger pigeon, could, in theory, re-establish that forest disturbance, thereby creating a habitat necessary for a great many other native species to thrive.


上文第二句出现了Novak,这句中的关键词有extinct species,但标题也是这个词,起不到确定答案的作用。第三句太长,我们可以先看结尾出现Novak的句子,这句中的pigeon对应题干中的a species, 这句中的habitat在题干中原词重现,这句中的re-establish that forest disturbance对应题干中的beneficial impact on the vegetation,所以这道题答案是A。

注意,这句中的disturbance【干扰】本应该是负面的词,所以很多人看这个词可能就不选这道题。但这句中的thereby creating a habitat necessary for【对…不可少的栖息地】这个内容可以看出,这里的forest disturbance是好的,所以可以跟题干中的benefit 对应。


Our current efforts at preserving biodiversity are insufficient.


题干可以划关键词的有current efforts, biodiversity和insufficient。


F While the prospect of bringing, extinct animals back to life might capture imaginations, it is, of course, far easier to try to save an existing species which is merely threatened with extinction. ‘Many of the technologies that people have in mind when they think about de-extinction can be used as a form of “genetic rescue”, explains Shapiro. She prefers to focus the debate on how this emerging technology could be used to fully understand why various species went extinct in the first place, and therefore how we could use it to make genetic modifications which could prevent mass extinctions in the future. ‘I would also say there’s an incredible moral hazard to not do anything at all,’ shecontinues, ‘We know that what we are doing today is not enough, and we have to be willing to take some calculated and measured risks.'


上文第三句我们已经用来选别的题了,所以看最后一个she的句子即可。倒数第二句中的关键词有moral hazard【道德危机】,但题干中没有对应的信息。最后一句中的关键词有not enough和measured risks。这里的not enough对应题干中的insufficient,这句中的what we are doing today对应题干中的Our current efforts。已经出现了两个关键词,可以确定答案了,答案是C。

注意,有些同学可能会觉得没有题干中的biodiversity【物种多样性】,所以不敢选。首先,这篇文章讲的是把灭绝的物种通过基因拯救重新引入到原来的栖息地,所以整篇文章讲的都是biodiversity的事。其次,从最后一句往上看倒数第三句,这句中的various species和prevent mass extinctions【阻止大规模灭绝】都是在讲biodiversity,所以我们的答案没有问题。


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