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剑4Test4雅思口语part2范文:A useful website you have visited.

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2017-09-22 13:30


 剑桥雅思4Test4雅思口语part2范文:Describe a useful website you have visited.

  You should say:what the website was how you found the address for this website what the website contained and explain why it was useful to you.


  1. What the website was 可以描述一个工具性网站,或者是对你的学习生活有很大帮助的网站,也可以是购物商城的网站。考生可以根据自己的爱好选择描述,但需要是自己比较熟悉的网站,否则会给后续回答带来压力。

  2. How you found the address for this website 可以是朋友介绍的,也可以是从网络上的其他网站链接过去的,还可以是从广告或其他信息途径得知的。

  3. What the website contained 网站的内容需要描述得具体一些,因为这也是在解释为什么这个网站对自己很有用。


  核心词汇 online, encyclopedia, thesaurus, look something up, search criteria, chat line

  参考回答 1 Speaking of this, I’ d like to talk about www. travelinamerica. com. I just accidentally bumped into this website when I was looking for traveling advice in the States on the Internet. Look, I really love traveling and I’ ve already been to a lot of places in the world,

  参考回答 2 I often visit MSN’ s Encarta online. It has an encyclopedia, dictionary, thesaurus, multimedia collection, and homework tools. It’ s very useful when you need to look something up in a hurry. You can type in your search criteria and in seconds you will have the information you need, whatever it may be. If you happen to use Hotmail, you can access your e- mail directly from their site. You can hook up to a chat line. Encarta also has something called the top ten. It is a list of archives where you can find information about almost anything. For example, it lists the top ten national parks in the world and so on. You can go shopping and read the Princeton Review. You can find pretty much anything you want there. A friend of mine actually recommended it when I was learning English as a resource several years ago and I’ ve continued to use it. There are sections on new careers, games, online University courses and host of other things. Of course, I visit many websites in a day, but this was the first English site I was introduced to and quite frankly, it’ s more useful and cheaper than going out and buying a bunch of books.


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