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剑桥雅思7Test2Part3口语范文-Ideas and education

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  剑桥雅思7Test2Part3口语范文-Ideas and education

  Discussion topics:


  范例 Ideas and education

  1. Q: Some people think that education should be about memorizing the important ideas of the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  A: I am really not sure about it. Education should be teaching the way of thinking. Students should learn from past experience, but creativity is more important for students. The aim of education is to supply students with foundation, and students will be able to create something more original by taking their own initiative.

  2. Q: Should education encourage students to have their own new ideas? Why?

  A: I think this is really important. If there were no new ideas, it would not be possible for the human society to make progress. We need new ideas for innovation. Students will be the pillars of the human society and their ideas are what we need.

  3. Q: How do you think teachers could help students to develop and share their own ideas?

  A: I guess students really need the encouragement of their teachers. When they have a novel idea and have the courage to share it, no matter whether it is right or wrong, their bravery should be affirmed by the teachers.



  Discussion topics:

  Ideas and education

  1. Q: Some people think that education should be about memorizing the important ideas of the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  A: Memorizing is important, but not the most important... you have to have a solid base in every education aspect before you start inputting your knowledge and your skills into real life. In order to get the basic level, you have to memorize in the beginning, afterwards it always better to take decision and think in your own way. You should insist on your original ideas and your point of view that what matters in real life, and we should teach kids to do that from the very beginning.

  2. Q: Should education encourage students to have their own new ideas? Why?

  A: Of course everyone should have their own ideas. We all think, believe, live in different ways, we are different! For someone, the same idea can be right, for others wrong, the difference, and the way how you prove it, that is what counts.

  3. Q: How do you think teachers could help students to develop and share their own ideas?

  A: Encourage students to do some creative workshops, ask them to stop using drills is and pictures, when the basic level is strong enough, create a non-threatening environment for the learners, where they want to express themselves, and try something new. But the most important is that the teacher should set up an example!

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