雨花国际面试口语: 形式和其他学校类似,都是考官一问一答的。但是,由三个同学统一进去同一面试考场,考官轮番考察。这样其实考察了学生的心理素质。三个学生轮番回答对应考官的问题。也可以听到其他同学的答案,判断其英语能力。所以要有强大的心理素质。不被他人影响,才能取得好的成绩
其他学校采用一问一答的传统模式:题目很像雅思中part1的题目,内容考察上我们也从personal experience/media/people/place等对准备加试的同学进行细致讲解。
雨花国际学校面试加试,年前的第 一场,有一些同学考到了关于history&art&museum的问题。这一类抽象的问题,以及同学们可能对这一块的单词有一些语料缺失,导致大家可能发挥不是那么的尽如人意。本期南京国际学校小编带大家克服障碍,在加试中取得好成绩。
Do you think museums are important?
Do you like history?
Biography/history museum
When we are able to read, visit a historic place, look at an artifact, appreciate images or study real documents,
we create learned connections, and we even get to take a bigger internet in learning history.
It is+adj/ [adv+adj]
Personally, it is enormously crucial for us to learn local history.
A history museum can not only learn about history and culture, but also stimulate students' interest in history.
可以加一个自己的personal experience
i still remember when i was in high school, i hated to attend history class, but thanks to my history teacher who took us regularly to local museums, i started to love it and even chose history as my major in college.
Do you like art?
I do like art very much. Cuz art is very important in society and beautiful to look at. I find it so interesting to look at all the different ways in which artists interpret and represent the world. Going to an art gallery and looking at all of the different artworks is one of my favorite ways to spend the leisure time.
Art 是不是也有museum,所以套路相仿,部分内容可以根据museum的话题进行转述。其次art不仅包含画也包含艺术品
Is there any artwork on the wall in your room?
Well, I have a few artworks on the walls in my room but they are quite small and not too extravagant. The artworks on my walls are mainly things that were created by friends and family and I did not pay a lot of money for them.
Which historic courses would you like to take if you have a chance? History of science; history of 20th history world; art history?
Have you ever visited an art gallery?
Are there many museums in your hometown?