
2014年11月28日 09:54来源:南京新航道作者:南京管理员



Science reasoning test

I.        Summary: 7 passages with 5-7 questions each; 35 Minutes 40 questions, 5 minutes per passage.

II.     Structure & solving method:

1.       Charts and Graphs---3 charts and graphs with 5 questions each; --test the ability to understand and interpret the information that’s presented.

Scan the passage----focus on the charts----skip the introduction until u get into trouble doing questions----Look at the variables and units;

Identify the question type


2.       Experiments—18 questions, 3 passages; ---test the procedures in each experiment and interpret them; (skim the experiments, write down key words (sth different from others) in the margin).

Scan the passage---identify the research objective—follow the procedure and identify the variable---study the result

Identify the question type

Know how to indentify assumptions

3.       Fighting scientist—7 questions, 1 passage—Over sth that has already been resolved. Conflict and evidence supporting each view.

Follow a plan: Make a map about the order ( look at the question to determine which hypothesis to read first according to which one questioned more than the other)

One side at a time---read the introduction to identify the disagreement—grasp the argument each is making

Take the other side----the other hypothesis—underline the main idea, how disagrees from and agrees with the first

Compare and contrast----do compared questions

III.   Question type

1.       Understanding about 1 sentence, paragraph, and chart.

2.       Why? –analysis

3.       What if?—generalization ---require see things in perspective and look at the bigger picture.

IV.   Steps

1.       Scan the passage; (format first—quick read the passage—identify the passage type---Charts and graph 5 question; Experiments 6 questions; Fighting Scientists 7 questions.)

PS: 20 seconds for tables, illustrations, and graphs---familiar with their content and take key words down. 

2.       Look at each question and identify its type to eliminate distracters

3.       Guesstimate ---making a rough estimate

4.       Use process of elimination

5.       Finish easy questions first, and don’t waste too much time on difficult or confusing ones.

6.       Know your strengths and weaknesses after practice and take use of that---do your strengths part first.

7.       Work those long questions after finishing other relative short question.

V.     Summary

1. Structure;

2. Spend the first minute of the test determining which passages will be hardest for u---leave them until last;

3. Unnecessary to know any science well, just need to be able to read passages about science topic.

4. Use the process of elimination eliminate incorrect answers.









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