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托福口语TPO13task5题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to a conversation between two students.

(woman) Hey, Mark, how’s it going?

(man) Hmm, not too good!

(woman) What’s wrong?

(man) Well, you know how I’m president of the anthropology club, well, I’m supposed to drive everyone in the club to see a special exhibit at the museum tomorrow. My mom said I could borrow her van, you know, so everyone would fit, but unfortunately, it broke down, and it’s not gonna be rep aired in time for the trip.

(woman) Oh! So what’re you going to do? Can you rent a van?

(man) Yeah, that’s a possibility. A little risky for me, though. I’ve tried to get in touch with the club members but only four have gotten back to me and said they could contribute some money for the cause.

(woman) What about the other members?

(man) I don’t know! It’d probably be OK with them, but that’s the risk. I don’t know for sure. I don’t what to get stuck with having to p ay for most of the bill.

(woman) Well, since not everyone has gotten back to you, what don ’t you just postpone the trip, you know, until your mom’s van’s been repaired?

(man) Yeah, I could do that, though I’m sure everyone would be disappointed when they show up tomorrow read y to go and found out that we’re not going.

托福口语TPO13task5题目 Question:

The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem then state which solution you recommend and explain why.


1. Listening key

(1.1) Problem: the man needs to drive everyone to the museum but the van he was going to use broke down

(1.2) Solution 1: rent a van

(1.2.1) Pro: none given

(1.2.2) Con: risky, he might not get his money back from all the club members

(1.3) Solution 2: postpone the trip

(1.3.1) Pro: eliminate the risk of having to pay for most of the rental bill

(1.3.2) Con: club members will be disappointed to find out they are not going as planned


The man’s problem is that he needs to drive everyone to the museum but the van he was going to used broke down. There are two possible solutions, the first is to rent a van, the second is to postpone the trip until the van gets repaired. I think the second solution is better. First of all, in doing so, he won’t take the risk of having to pay for most of the bill, he mentioned that only four group members have gotten back to him and agreed to contribute to the cost. Second, going to the museum is not a seasonal thing, the displays are all the same no matter when they go, so I think it’s not a big deal if they waited for a few days.








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