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托福口语TPO14task3题目 Reading Part:

University Should Allow Eating in Class

Currently, there is a university-wide policy that prohibits eating in the classroom. I disagree with this policy. I think students should be allowed to eat in class. This change would be good for two reasons. For one thing, if students were permitted to eat, they would be able to concentrate better, because students often get hungry during long classes, and hunger makes it difficult to concentrate. Also, if food were allowed in classroom, it would be possible for us to have in-class parties on the last day of class – with snack foods and beverages – to celebrate the end of each semester.


Nancy Myers

托福口语TPO14task3题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to two students discussing the letter.

(woman) Did you see this letter, Jen?

(man) Yeah.

(woman) Be kind of nice to do that, huh?

(man) No, actually, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

(woman) Why not?

(man) Well, like the part about how it’ll help students concentrate, I mean, maybe a little snack will help the person who ’s eating it, but, the trouble is that it makes it hard for everyone else to concentrate cause they have to listen to someone munching on chips, or biting into an apple, or crinkling paper wrappers.

(woman) I guess it can be kind of disruptive.

(man) Yeah! It will interfere with everyone’s concentration. You wouldn’t be able to pay attention with all the noises going on.

(woman) OK, I guess I will have to agree with you on that, but what about her other reason? It would be nice to be able to have some fun at the end of the semester, right?

(man) No, there’s a problem with that, too.

(woman) Why?

(man) Well, I don’t think it’s appropriate to use class time for that kind of thing. I mean, the last class is usually pretty important, that’s when we do a lot of reviewing for final exams.

(woman) True!

(man) If we use that time for that, we probably wouldn't have time to do as much reviewing, which means we wouldn't be as well prepared for exams.

(woman) Yeah, I haven’t thought of that.

托福口语TPO14task3题目 Question:

The man expresses his opinion about the proposal in the newspaper. Briefly summarize the proposal, then state the man’s opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


1. Reading key

(1.1) Proposal: students should be allowed to eat in class

(1.2) Reason 1: it helps students to concentrate in long classes

(1.3) Reason 2: the last class of the semester can be used to have a party

2. Listening key

(2.1) Man disagrees with it

(2.2) Reason 1: eating creates too much noise that’ll break students’ concentration

(2.2.1) Details: the noise of people biting into an apple; munching on chip and crinkling paper wrappers is very distracting

(2.3) Reason 2: using the last class to party is inappropriate

(2.3.1) Details: the last class should be used to do reviewing for final exams so students can get ready for them


The author of the letter suggests that the school should allow students to eat in classroom, so students can concentrate better during class, and have in class parties at the end of the semester. In the conversation, the man disagrees with the letter for the following reasons. First of all, eating in class will create a lot of noise which can be very distracting. Such as the sound of someone biting into an apple or munching on chips. Second, he thinks it’s not right to have an in- class party at the end of semester. That class should be used to do reviewing for final exams, so that students can be better prepared for them.









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