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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2014-11-04 10:16



托福口语TPO14task5题目 Listening Part:

Listen to a conversation between two students

(woman) Hey, Matt, how’s it going?

(man) Uh, so so. I’ve got a problem with my housing next semester and I have to make a decision soon.

(woman) What’s going on?

(man) Well, I lived in the dormitory, and I’ve got a great roommate for the last two year, but he’s moving off campus next semester.

(woman) Oh! So?

(man) So now I have to make a big decision. You know, about my living arrangements.

(woman) Well, couldn’t you just get a new roommate? Doesn’t the university automatically assign someone to take his place?

(man) Yeah, they do. The thing is, I am concerned about sharing a room with somebody new. There could be problems, like, what if he wanted to go to sleep at ten o’clock? I am used to studying late at night and that would throw off my whole study schedule.

(woman) I guess that’s possible. But it is convenient to be on campus, easy to get to class and all. What else could you do?

(man) Well, My roommate found a house off campus with some other friends and there’s another bedroom available. I could have it, but I have to let them know by the end of the week.

(woman) A house sounds like a good idea. It’d be fun to live with the group of people.

(man) True, and it would definitely be economical with everyone splitting the rent, but it’s just that this house is really far from campus. I’d have to wake up much earlier to get to class. It’d just be a lot more inconvenient than living in the dorm.

托福口语TPO14task5题目 Question:

Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing, then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.

托福口语TPO14task5 答案解析:

1. Listening key

(1.1) Problem: the man’s roommate is moving out of the dorm, changes needs to be made about his living arrangement

(1.2) Solution 1: getting a new roommate

(1.2.1) Pro: stay in the dorm, the school will assign him a new roommate

(1.2.2) Con: he might not get along with the new roommate; such as different study schedule

(1.3) Solution 2: move off campus to share a house with some friends

(1.3.1) Pro: fun to live with a bunch of people; economical

(1.3.2) Con: far away from campus, he needs to wake up early in the morning

托福口语TPO14task5 范文:

The man’s problem is that his roommate is moving off campus next semester, and now he has to make a big decision about his living arrangement. The first solution is to get a new roommate. The second is to move off campus to share a room in a house with some other friends. I think the second solution is better. First of all, he’ll have more space if he has a room to himself, when living in a house, there’s no need to worry about studying late will disturb others as long as he keeps his door shot. Second, it’s a lot of fun living with a bunch of people, life will be more exciting. Last but not least, sharing a house with others is much more economical than living in the dorms.








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