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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2014-11-10 11:47



托福口语TPO20task5题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to a conversation between two students of biology.

(man) Are you still working in Professor Green’s laboratory?

(woman) Yeah, he’s been supervising my research on eating behavior in mice.

(man) Sounds interesting.

(woman) It’s fascinating. I’ve got a few more observations and experiments to do. It’s another three month of work and I’ll start writing my paper.

(man) Wow! Sounds like it’ll be a great paper.

(woman) Thanks, I hope so. There’s a problem, though.

(man) What?

(woman) Professor Green has been invited to teach at a university in France for a semester. And obviously, I still need a lot of help with the project.

(man) Hum, what are you gonna do?

(woman) Well, Professor Green suggested Professor Baker that I can work with another.

(man) Oh, I’ve heard of her. Professor Baker is quite famous.

(woman) Yeah, but I don’t know her at all. And my research isn’t in her area of expertise. She works with fish, my works on mice, not exactly the best match.

(man) Well, you’ll get to know her eventually. And she’s a great biologist. So she’ll still be able to help you even if your topic isn’t exactly her specialty. She may give you some new perspective on your work.

(woman) I know, I’m considering it, but still, I’m thinking about asking Professor Green if he could advise me long-distance.

(man) That’s a thou ght! You think he’d do it?

(woman) He probably would. But I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I mean, he could always look at my data and read my write-ups through email. But the thing is, he wouldn’t be here to supervise my experiments.

(man) Yeah, well, I’m sure you’ll figure out the best thing to do.

托福口语TPO20task5题目 Question:

Briefly summarize the woman’s problem, then state which solution you would recommend.Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


In the dialogue, Professor Green, who has been supervising the woman in her research paper, was invited to go to France next year. But the woman still has a lot of work to do. There are two solutions for the woman. She can work with another professor instead, who is also very famous; or she can keep in touch with Professor Green through Email. I think the second option is better. Since Professor Green has guided her through all those time, he is most familiar with her work. This is something working with another professor cannot compete. And current modern technology has made communications so much easier. The woman will have to work on her own from time to time, but she will conduct independent research. That is valuable experience for a student.








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