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托福口语TPO21task3题目 Reading Part:

Daily E-Mail with Campus Activities

The university will now send all students a daily e-mail containing information about campus events and activities. Rather than getting information about activities oncea week in the campus newspaper, students will get the information every day, thus ensuring that it is always up-to-date. According to the university spokes person who announced the plan, "For all of us now, e-mail is part of our daily lives. Students in particular have become used to relying on e-mail and the Internet for most communication, so this is a logical change that will benefit everyone.”

托福口语TPO21task3题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to two students discussing the announcement.

(woman) Did you read about the new plan?

(man) Yeah, what do you think?

(woman) I think it’s a great idea.

(man) Really? Why?

(woman) Well, I just don’t think the newspaper gives the most up-to-date information about activities.

(man) Well, the paper comes out weekly, what’s the problem?

(woman) The fact it comes out just once a week is the problem. I read the paper every Monday but then I forget they’ re having a concert or showing a film or whatever, like on Thursday or Friday. And this will always give a reminder, all on the day of the event.

(man) Yeah, that way you wouldn’t forget.

(woman) And, like, if something gets cancelled at the last minute, well, that way you would know and you wouldn’t waste time showing up and no one’s there.

(man) I haven’t thought of that. That would be really helpful. But do you think students are actually gonna read the e-mail?

(woman) Are you kidding? Everyone checks their e-mail at least once a day. And if maybe they’ll also include the cafeteria menu for the day in the e-mail, well, then people are definitely gonna read it.

(man) You’re so right! I can’t wait until they start.

托福口语TPO21task3题目 Question:

The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


According to the reading, the school has decided to send students daily emails containing campus activities because it is more up to date and email is an important part of everyone’s daily life. Then in the dialogue, the woman agrees for the following reasons. Firstly, for the time being students learn about current event from the weekly newspaper. They will read it and forget it shortly afterwards. So these emails will serve as a daily remainder. Even if some event is cancelled last minute, nobody will show up. In addition, everyone check the email inbox at least once a day. If the school can add the cafeteria menu inside, that would be even better.








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