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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2014-11-19 09:57



托福口语TPO21task5题目 Listening Part:

Listen to a conversation between two students.

(man) Hey, Sara, when does you r play open? The one you wrote and directing?

(woman) In one week.

(man) And how’s it coming along?

(woman) Well, the rehearsal had been goin g pr etty well, there’s just one problem.

(man) What’s that?

(woman) We have a guy named Bill playing one of the supporting roles, one of the minor characters.

(man) OK?

(woman) And he just can’t remember his lines. All the other characters have their parts memorized except Bill. We’ll be in the middle of rehearsing a big scene and he’ll forget what he is supposed to say n ext. I thought he’d eventually improve but now I’m not sure he’ll be ready for opening night.

(man) Oh, no! That’s not good. What can you do at this point?

(woman) Well, I could replace him. There are other actors on campus, actor s who could play the part.

(man) Yeah, since it’s such a minor role, another actor could probably learn the part in time.

(woman) That’s true. It’s just that I don’t know how he’d feel about that. Removing him from the play could hurt his feelings and he was really looking forward to being in it.

(man) I see, well, could you, I mean, maybe another thing you could do is spent time with him, after rehearsals, you know, work with him to help him learn to remember his lines.

(woman) Yeah, I could do that. But there are other parts of the production I try to take care of after rehearsals. So it’ll take away from other things that I need to do before opening night.

托福口语TPO21task5题目 Question:

Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


According to the dialogue, the woman has a play to be put on in a week, but there is a minor role named Bill, he just cannot remember his lines. There might to two solutions for the woman. She could replace Bill, since it is minor character, other people could learn it quickly. Or she could work after rehearsals with Bill to help him remember the lines. I think the woman should take the second option. Replacing Bill will hurt his feelings, and it is not right for a leader to give up on a team member so easily. By spending some extra few hours with Bill after rehearsals, she can help Bill to remember the lines, and also show others her dedication into her play.









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