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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2014-11-20 09:51



托福口语TPO23task3题目 Reading Part:

No More International News

 For the past few years, the daily campus newspaper has included a one-page international news section covering a few of the major stories in world news. Starting next month, the section will be eliminated. One of the reasons the newspaper editors gave for the decision to cut the section is that other news sources are better able to provide wider and more up-to-date international news coverage. The editors also noted that the change would create space for a new calendar page that will list events and activities around campus.

托福口语TPO23task3题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to two students discussing the article.

(man) Hey, what do you think of this?

(woman) You mean the editors’ decision?

(man) Right.

(woman) I think they are right. It’s the thing to do.

(man) Really? Why?

(woman) Well, hardly anyone reads that section.

(man) You don’t think so?

(woman) Not really, I mean, they only cover stories and most people already know about them before they even get around to reading the campus paper.

(man) True, if you get the local paper, or use the internet, you already know the major stories.

(woman) Exactly, and the coverage’s better. I think we should just stick with campus news and stuff.

(man) So do you think what they’re gonna replace with is better?

(woman) Definitely, right now, how do you learn about what’s happening on campus?

(man) Mostly from posters in different buildings or in the student center.

(woman) Right, the information is everywhere but it’s hard to keep track of it. I see stuff posted but then I forget about it half the time.

(man) So you’re saying that with this new section?

(woman) You could just cut it out from the newspaper and carry it around and check it anytime and know what’s taking place when and where.

托福口语TPO23task3题目 Question:

The woman expresses her opinion about the plan announced in the article. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain thereasons she gives for holding that opinion.


Campus newspaper editors have made the decision to eliminate the international news section because other news sources can provide better international news coverage. Also, thespace will be used as a calendar page covering events and activities aroundcampus. The woman thinks it’s the right thing to do. Her reason is that hardlyanyone reads the international news section and students already know about themajor stories from local paper and Internet before they read the section. Soshe thinks the campus newspaper should stick to the campus news. Her second reason is that right now information is everywhere on campus, in differentbuildings or in the student center. With the new calendar, students can cut itout, carry it around, and know what’s taking place and when and where.








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