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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2014-11-20 09:56



托福口语TPO23task5题目 Listening Part:

Listen to a conversation between two students.

(woman) How’s it going, Mike?

(man) OK, I’m just trying to figure out what to do about this new bus schedule.

(woman) New bus schedule?

(man) Yeah, I take a bus from campus to my job downtown. I work there Tuesday afternoons, but the bus schedule changed. The bus I was taking is leaving earlier now and I can’t get to it in time because I’ve got chemistry class then.

(woman) Huh, yeah, they did change the bus schedule sometimes. It’s inconvenient. So what are you gonna do?

(man) Well, I talked to my boss and she said I could change my work hours and work at night instead. I’d start late in the afternoon and work till around midnight. And there is a bus that’ll get me down on time.

(woman) That sounds good. So you could just take a later bus to your job.

(man) Yeah, the only thin g is if I worked late at night. I’ll be really tired and I have class early the next morning.

(woman) Yeah, but do you have any other choice?

(man) Well, yeah, another option is just to ride my bike to work after chemistry. I’ll be able to get to work on time so I could keep my same hours. It’s not that far. It takes about 15 minutes.

(woman) Hmm, that might be nice plus you get some exercise but it’ll be a bit uncomfortable riding your bike on days when there’s bad weather.

(man) Yeah, I’ll have to think about it.

托福口语TPO23task5题目 Question:

Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.


The bus schedule has changed. But the man has to take a bus from campus to his job in town. Because the bus he used to take is going to leave earlier, he can’t get there in time.There are two possible solutions discussed in the conversation. The first solution is to talk to boss and change the work hours to late at night so that he can catch the later bus. But if he works late at night, he will be tired in the class early next morning. The second solution is to ride bike to work. It only takes 15mins. But the man is worrying that in bad weather, riding bike will be inconvenient. If I were the man, I would choose the second solution,since it only takes 15mins to get to work. Also, he can get exercise from riding the bike. Plus, not every day has bad weather. Even if the weather is bad, he can read the weather forecast and shift work hours ahead of time.








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