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托福口语TPO25task3题目 Reading Part:

Split Graduation

Traditionally,the university holds one ceremony for all graduating students, during which students are awarded their diplomas. Beginning this year, however, the university willhold two graduation ceremonies. Under the new arrangement, half the graduatingstudents will participate in the first ceremony, and the other half will participatein a second ceremony to be held the following day. Administrators cite two reasons for the change. First, the number of students has increased in recent years,and since diplomas are awarded individually, the single ceremony has become uncomfortablylong. Also, the hall where the ceremony is held is too small to accommodate the growing audience of friends and family members.

托福口语TPO25task3题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to two students discussing the article.

(woman) You know, I wish they wouldn't do this.

(man) Why?

(woman) Well, I think it’s unnecessary, I mean, as far as the first reason goes. Yeah, sure, it takes a long time to have everyone receive their diploma individually, especially now that there are more students, but there’s an easy way to make it shorter.

(man) What’s that?

(woman) Reduce the number of speeches. I mean, a lot of people give speeches, students, professors, administrators, the president of the university. Do we really need that many speeches?

(man) Probably not, and a lot of the speeches are pretty boring anyway, so, yeah, we probably could cut out a few.

(woman) Yeah, and I don’t think their second reason’s very good either, about the space.

(man) How’s that?

(woman) The problem isn’t the size of the hall. It’s that they allow students to invite too many people to come and watch. All they need to do is reduce the number of guests each graduating student gets to invite.

(man) Yeah, I guess that could solve the problem.

(woman) Yeah, I mean, right now each graduating student can invite up to ten people. That’s too many. At most schools, students only get to invite like four or five people. It we just said, “OK, you can only invite six people.” That’ll still be more than most other schools and the ceremony could stay the way it is.

托福口语TPO25task3题目 Question:

The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


本题涉及到国外大学的毕业典礼,这里给大家简单补充一下毕业典礼的背景知识。 一般学校毕业典礼分为两个,本科(undergraduate students)一个,研究生(graduate students)一个。毕业典礼上大家都穿学士服/硕士服/博士服,开场先是校长及名人的speech,大学一般会邀请非常有名的人来演讲,比如2005年Steve Jobs在Stanford给学生做毕业典礼演讲。开始颁发学位的时候,每个学生的名字都会被提到。当名字被念到的时候学生走上台,与校长握手,同时台下的亲友团欢呼鼓掌。



The university is going to split the graduation ceremony, which means students will be divided into two parts to participate in it. However, the woman disagrees with this plan, and she has two reasons for that. Firstly, even though students are granted individually, which takes a lot of time, they would have a shorter ceremony simply by university reducing the number of speeches made by professors, administrators, president and so on. Secondly, she denies the excuse of size of the hall. She thinks that the core issue why the ceremony is crowded lies on the number of people, because right now university allows students to invite up to ten guests, which is far more than the other universities. Students will no longer suffer if they can only invite at most six family members or friends.








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