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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2014-11-25 10:25



托福口语TPO27task3题目 Reading Part:

Switch to Electronic Textbooks

The university will begin switching from traditional-bound textbooks to electronic textbooks early next year. University students will be able to download the content of their required textbooks to a reading device and read the material directly from the device’sscreen. While the cost of the device is around $200, it is a one-time expense.Considering the rising cost of textbooks, students will save money in the long run since purchasing electronic books for their classes is much less expensive than buying regular textbooks.Furthermore, the university believes the device will be an effective study aid because it is simple to operate and offers features such as highlighting of textand note-taking.

托福口语TPO27task3题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to two students discussing the article.

(woman) Oh, no, did you see this?

(man) Yeah, why? You don’t like the idea?

(woman) Not at all!

(man) How come?

(woman) Well, the cost, for one thing, they are just not being realistic.

(man) Even compare to the price of textbooks?

(woman) Well, sure, textbooks aren’t cheap, but do you think people are only gonna use one device the whole time they are at university? What happens if yours breaks? You have to buy a new one. Or they come out with some fancy new features. Wouldn't you want to get a new one then?

(man) Yeah, I see what you mean. A lot of people would probably want to replace theirs with the latest version.

(woman) Right! Maybe even every year and that can add up.

(man) True, but, don’t you agree it’ll make studying and preparing for classes a lot easier?

(woman) I don’t think everybody is gonna think it’s so great.

(man) What do you mean?

(woman) Well., it’s only helpful if it’s easy to use and, well, this thing is pretty small. It’s only about 18 or 20 centimeters tall.

(man) Oh, really? So that means the screen’s pretty small.

(woman) Right, and I heard that the key pad or control buttons, they are small, too. So if you have normal-sized fingers, it’s not so easy to select an item or get it to function right, you know, to do stuff like highlighting or underlining.

(man) I hadn’t thought of that.

(woman) So what good are all those fancy features if it’s hard to use them? Besides, I like the old-fashioned way of studying material: writing notes on the page and underlining or highlighting important sections of the book. I’m more comfortable with that.

托福口语TPO27task3题目 Question:

The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize theplan then state her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.






1. 电子设备不省钱,因为如果坏了或者出了新版,学生需要买新的



The university is planningon switching all paper books to e-books. Firstly, they think that it helpsstudents save money. Secondly, the electronic device they use is an effective study aid since it's easy to operate and offers lots of features. In the conversation, the woman doesn't seem to like the idea. Firstly, he thinks that although textbooks are not cheap, the electronic device won't save money,either. This is because if the device breaks down or there comes out features, studentswould wanna buy a new one. Secondly, the device is pretty small with the little key pad and control button. So it's actually not easy to use. Plus, the womanprefers old-fashioned way of study, such as highlighting or underlining on apaper book.







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