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托福口语TPO30task3题目 Reading Part:

Campus Construction Should Happen During the Summer

I've noticed that small construction projects on campus – like fixing side walks and parking lots – often take place during the regular school year, when classes are in session.I propose that whenever possible the university should schedule such construction projects to take place during the three-month summer break. One reason is that construction projects can be so disruptive; they create inconveniences and can make it hard to get where you need to go on campus. And, second, construction projects would be more likely to be completed quickly if they were scheduled for the summer when the weather is usually good.Sincerely,Eric Hughes

托福口语TPO30task3题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to two students discussing the letter:

(man) So, Jane, what do you think of Eric’s proposal?

(woman) I’m all for it.

(man) So you think it’s true? What he says about the problems about the way it’s being done?

(woman) Yeah, I do. Take his first reason. Like, I know you don’t drive, but I do drive here every day, so I need a place to park my car. And remember last year when they decided to repair some of the parking lots?

(man) Oh yeah, I remember that, there was a lot of work going on, wasn't there? Starting in December.

(woman) Right, at least four lots were closed, and that meant there weren't enough parking spots for students and professor’s cars. I usually had to circle around looking for parking on one of the streets. And then walk from the street all the way to my classes.

(man) That’s annoying.

(woman) Yeah, and it happened to a lot of other people in my classes too! People were always arriving late because of the trouble they had parking. Sometimes even my professors were late.

(man) Yeah.

(woman) And also, his second point? That makes sense too. I mean, for instance, part of the reason those parking lot repairs last year took so long was because of the big snowstorms. They had to keep stopping, sometimes for a week or two at a time, because of snow and ice on the ground.

(man) Yeah, I remember that, we had a bunch of snowstorms in a row last year.

(woman) Yeah, so with all that starting and stopping cause of the weather, the problem took them a lot longer to finish.

托福口语TPO30task3题目 Question:

The woman expresses her opinion about the proposal in the letter. Briefly summarize the proposal, then state her opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.



university should schedule construction projects to take place during the summer break

1. construction projects are disruptive & they create inconveniences

2.be completed quickly in summer when the weather is usually good.


All for it

1.Woman drive, last December repairing parking lots, students who drive to school need to circle around and park on street and walk to classroom, late; even professor late

2. Took long cuz snow storms, keep stopping for a week or two


Eric proposes that university should schedule construction projects to take place during the summer break as they create inconveniences and could be completed quickly in summer when the weather is usually good. The woman in the conversation totally supports it. Because last December when the parking lot was repaired, parking were really inconvenient ,like most students including her and teachers who drive to campus needed to park cars on streets and walk to classes which made them late for class. Also the reason why the lots repairing took too long wast here were bunches of snow storms which caused the projects kept stopping from time to time.








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