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南京新航道 > 托福口语 > 实例解析如何拿下托福口语Task6


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2017-04-12 09:38


    (female professor) So, OK, we’ve been talking about frogs, and like all amphibians, frog has thin skin, which means they lose moisture through their skin easily. Now, typically, we think of frogs as living in wet 
environments. But for frogs who live in dry places, with desert-like conditions, this can be a problem. Frogs have been able to survive in such areas by having different physical features, special dry-climate features that help them maintain an adequate level of moisture in their cells and avoid drying out.
    Some frogs do this by preventing water loss through their skin. By creating a sort of covering over their skin, they greatly reduce their skin’s exposure to the dry air. The covering acts like a barrier that locks in moisture. For example, some frogs secrete[分泌] a substance through their skin, a fatty substance that they rub off over their skin using their hands and feet, which creates a waxy[柔软的,蜡色的] layer all around their bodies that’s almost completely water-tight.
    Other frogs maintain an adequate level of moisture through a different physical feature, one that allows them to store water inside their bodies for later use. A specially modified internal organ inside their bodies enables 
them to have a high water-storage capacity. So the frogs are able to absorb and store moisture during wet rainy times which they can rely on to get through dry periods. The aptly[适宜的,适当地] named  water-holding frog, for example, has a bladder [膀胱]that is highly elastic and stretchable. When it does  rain, the frog absorbs water through its skin and its bladder stretches to hold this extra water. The water is then slowly  released from the special bladder into the frog’s internal tissues until the next rain which might not be for several months.
    Frogs, dry places, physical feature , maintain moisture 
    1.Prevent water loss through skin
    EG. Covering, barrier,
    fatty Substance, rub off skin, layer , water-tight
    2. Store water inside their body
    EG. water-holding frog
    Rain,  absorb water through skin ,bladder stretches to hold water
    托福口语task6, 文章结构:
    Topic sentence: Frogs, dry places, physical feature , maintain moisture
    Sub topic 1
    position :Prevent water loss through skin
    Example :covering, barrier,   fatty Substance, rub off skin,waxy layer , water-tight Sub topic 2  position:Store water inside their body  Example : water-holding frog   Rain, absorb water through skin ,bladder stretches to hold water
    Sample Answer: 
    The lecture introduced two dry-climate features of frogs.  
    The first feature prevents water loss through their skin. Their skin can secrete a fatty substance, which they can rub all over their body using their hands and feet. And this waxy layer makes their skin watertight so as to reduce water loss.
    And other feature is modified internal organs that ensures higher water storage within their body. Frogs can absorb rain water through their skin, and store the water in their elastic bladder, so later the water can be released to their tissue to help the animal go for a long time. (8 sentences,104 words)

【本文标签】: 南京雅思培训| 南京托福培训| 南京sat培训| 新航道雅思| 新航道托福|

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