托福口语中怀念某人要怎么表达?曾有人说,上帝喜欢数码产品于是带走了Jobs。上帝喜欢听歌于是带走了杰Jackson。或许上帝现在想来点躁动的了,所以带走了林肯公园的Chester Bennington。
就如《钢铁侠》让更多中国人知道了AC/DC,《变形金刚》也让很多国人知道了Linkin Park,《变形金刚》还会有6,7,8 但Linkin Park 却再也没有Chester Bennington。
下面南京新航道小编分享一下,网络上对Chester Bennington的哪些默默的铭记。
Shocked and heartbroken, but it's true.
I am in tears.Chester was such a sweet and talented man.I feel so sad for his family,band mates and fans.
The news about Chester Bennington is devastating. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends. Such a tragic loss
Chester Bennington的消息让人悲痛无比。我和我的祈祷与他的家人朋友同在。他的离开如此悲痛。
We are deeply saddened by Chester's death. We loved him. Our condolences to Chester's family and all of their loved ones.