托福口语 Task 1-2 是独立口语任务,要求学生在15 秒钟准备后,就某个相关的话题侃侃而谈 45 秒钟。其中 Task 1 的主题是 Personal Preference,问题主要涉及与考生相关的人物、场所、时间以及活动等;Task 2 主题为 Personal Choice,要求学生从两种对立的情况中选择一种,表明自己对于该话题的态度并给出恰当的理由。所以,做独立口语的题目,就仿佛都是在“谈个人生活”和“做人生抉择”。
Task 1
Describe a person that you admire. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response.
Task 2
Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
Task 1 :'So that's why I admire him/her so much.'
Task 2:'That's why I think television has a negative / positive influence on society.'
所以,对此,笔者总结出此处学生的 技能障碍 主要是: 考生在独立口语中无法巧妙地结尾,导致无法有效的向评分人“秀”出自己的英文水平。 首先,不可否认,答案的内容,尤其是理由和细节部分是核心的得分点,也是学生应该孜孜不倦练习的重点。但是如果你已经习惯性的、得了强迫症般的想在最后来个结尾,为何不借此机会向评分人好好“秀一下”你的英文呢?!
参考句型1:If…did/were( 或者否定式 )…, …would/wouldn't + 动词原形…
中文释义:如果…做了 / 是…, …就会 / 就不 会…
参考句型2:Without + 你所谈及的对象或者 与对象相关的内容,…would/wouldn't….
中文释义:如果没有…, …就会 / 就不会…
参考上文 Task 1 题目,假设你谈的是某位篮球
结尾与其说:So that's why I admire him/her so much.
还 不 如 说:If he didn't insist in what he loves, he would not be one of the most phenomenal players in the NBA.
或 者 :Without his passion for basketball, he would not be one of the most outstanding players in the NBA.
实例示范2:参考上文 Task 2 题目,假设你认同电 视对社会有积极的影响
比 较 加 分 的 结 尾 可 以 是:Without television, we would not be able to gain so much important information.
或者 :If there were not television in our daily lives, we would not be able to gain so much useful information.
It's__________ that ____________.
(如果 强调人,that可以换成who)
正是___________, _______________。
It's my elder brother that/who always helps me out and cheers me up.
It's only in summer that I am able to enjoy lots of activities like fishing, swimming and my favorite —— surfing.
(注意:此句中 in 一定不能省)
正是在夏季,我才能够享受众多活动,例如钓鱼、 游泳以及我最喜欢的——冲浪。
It's with my elder brother's guidance that I was able to overcome this difficulty.
( 注意:with 不能省 )
实例示范1:参考上文 Task 1 题目,假设你谈的是某位篮球
结尾与其说:So that's why I admire him/her so much.
还 不 如 说:So it's definitely his hard work that made him one of the most phenomenal players in the NBA.
实例示范2:参考上文 Task 2 题目,假设你认同电视对社会有积极的影响
比较加分的结尾可以是:It's by watching television that we are able to access to huge amount of knowledge.
或 者:It's television that enables us to access to huge amount of knowledge.
以上是笔者在教学中总结出来的 “两剂良方”,同学们可以反复练习,直至习惯,最终通过反复练习,提高英语能力。记住:英语“高能”了,“高分”还能远吗?