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杨可斐:独立写作学生习作详细评析 PART4

来源:南京新航道      浏览:      发布日期:2014-05-15 11:45


  Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best leaders are those who are willing to admit if they have made a bad decision.

        It is well known that responsible, ambitious, open-minded, social, far-sighted are features that make the best leaders. However, people divide in opinions on whether the best leaders are willing to admit their formal decisions are bad. Some argue that best leaders should never admit they have done something wrong. While others counter that best leaders should be able to admit their mistakes bravely. (这个可以不要,你上面那句已经高度概括了,开头不要太长。简洁清楚就行了。) Although I admit leaders should try their best to avoid making wrong decisions, I hold that even if they have messed up, the best leaders are always not afraid of saying it out.

        开头非常梦幻的。 Highlight的句子很值得借鉴,属于首段的黄金模式之一。

        It is reasonable to think that if a leader admit their fault, they would lose respect from others. A small group of team members will possibly cast doubts on (非常好的词组)the ability of the leader, thus (如果要用thus,后面就是句子,表示结果,thus后面要用it will lower;如果没有thus,那么分词结构表结果。可以用lowering。差一点点就 无可挑剔。 lowering the leader's reputation and status in others' mind. Therefore, the leaders would be assumed less qualified and might not be taken as best one.


        Nonetheless, admitting one's mistake is exactly one of the characteristics of the best leaders. Firstly, everyone make mistakes and wrong decisions, but what matters is that the best leaders dare to admit and keep those faults from happening again. Good leaders are responsible to bring their mistakes on the table and learn from it in order to make a better decision in the future. Besides, instead of regarding the leaders as less qualified, the others (主语对应的非常准确) would take them as a perfect example of correcting mistakes bravely as well as ignoring personal benefits, which are exactly the best leaders' traits. In general, best leaders are those who consider for the whole team, not their own reputation,(这里用not...but... 的结构更好.也能和后面的and衔接起来。所以非常好改成:who consider not for their own reputation but for the whole team.) and honestly admit they have done something wrong.


        1、领导犯了错误能够承认,这种勇于承担的精神会成为staff member学习的榜样。所谓“王子犯法与庶民同罪。”(这个英语我可不会说,童鞋们可以试试),staff对于领导会更加忠诚,这个团队的凝聚力会增强,对于团队有突出贡献的领导当然是好领导。2、领导犯了错误会承认,因为他们觉得必须对自己手里的项目负责,必须对手下的员工负责,必须对得起自己的薪水。这样有责任心的人当然是好领导。3、就像你提到的,为了避免由一个错误引发未来更大的问题,领导会承认自己的错误并且及时作出调整和修改。一个有前瞻性和危机意识的领导当然是好领导。


        Admitting bad decisions probably reduce the reputation of leaders in some members' eyes. However, the real best leaders are those who take benefits from mistakes and care more about the performance of the whole team than their own. Therefore, I believe the best leaders are those who are willing to admit even if they have made a bad decision.




    以上就是南京新航道托福频道为大家整理的杨可斐:独立写作学生习作详细评析 PART1,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问南京新航道托福频道:https://nj.xhd.cn/toefl/


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