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杨可斐:托福独立写作学生习作详细评析 PART6

来源:南京新航道      浏览:      发布日期:2014-06-10 14:36

    Q:It is more important for students to understand ideas and  concepts than it is for them to learn facts.
    I agree that understanding ideas andconcepts are more important than learning facts
    1: Both facts and concepts should belearned. But without concepts and ideas, facts have no academic meaning forstudents to learn.
    2: Facts' learning provides examples inorder to help us students get a better understanding of ideas and concepts, andthe latter ones can help us to learn new facts independently. So they are moreimportant.
    3: Ideas and concepts we've understood canalso help us to create more ideas and establish more concepts.
    In conclusion, understanding ideas andconcepts can let people to know more, to see more, so that it is more importantthan learning facts.


    Education provides a large amount of facts for us students to acknowledge(用learn就好,acknowledge不和fact搭配), as well as introduces ideas and concepts to understand. These two aspects have some relations but they are also hold tremendous differences. Facts are objective thing observed by people.(句式要简洁)Ideas and concepts, on the contrary, are created by people and thus can be revised(如果后文没有提及revised的问题就删了吧,行文要严谨。).这句话写的非常关键。它给出了fact和idea的定义,这句话可以说是整篇文章的基础,是破题的关键所在。对于任何玩文字游戏的题目都可以在首段写出定义:“在我的文章里,这两个词是这个意思,你们得听我的。”In my point of view, I agree with the statement that understanding ideas and concepts is more important than learning facts.
    First of all, under many circumstances, facts have no academic meaning if lack of supports by ideas and concepts. I'll take myself as an example. My major in university(删了。难道高中还有major?)is transportation engineering which would be applied to deal with traffic problems. As a matter of fact, nearly every normal person(common people) can name one fact or two traffic problems such as traffic jam. If my classmates and I only learn these facts, then what is the difference between and a non-professional? Just like what my professor once said: Facts about traffic problems are pearls scattered in every corner of the world, each one of them has little value. Nevertheless,by applying ideas and concepts in traffic theories, we can string them into a treasured necklace. That’s why we need to learn ideas and concepts other than basic facts.
    Admittedly, case study is an indispensable step in learning progress. For instance, tracing back into mathematical class in primary school time, we always learned the fact that 1 plus 1 is 2 before learning the computation of addition. But this fact is just a certain vivid example for a 7-year old to have a better understanding of addition, which is the more important concept. There is none math book or teacher would let us remember all results of certain numbers be added together. Instead, by applying the very concept of addition, we can add any numbers we like to and thus get a variety of facts.
    Furthermore, ideas and concepts we’ve understood also account for introduction of new ideas and concepts. More complicated concepts are based on the relatively simple ones: multiplication is created by the basic principal of addition, and division is based on multiplication. By introducing new ideas based on old concepts, the precise, dramatic system of mathematics is established. Once ideas and concepts of aspecial particle are understood, we attain the ability to create new, to understand in alarger scale, and gradually, human society can understand the whole world inthe future.
    In summary, facts are only appearances of knowledge, while ideas and concepts are inner impulse to help us students to learn more, to create more and to achieve more. Hence understanding ideas andconcepts are more important than learning facts.
    这篇文章非常大的优点不是文字的优美,相反这个作者貌似还有些粗心,小错误不断。犯错可以,是人都要犯错的嘛,不要犯在关键的地方。比如这句,Just like what my professor once said: Facts about traffic problems are pearls scattered in every corner of the world, each one of them has little value. Nevertheless,by applying ideas and concepts in traffic theories, we can string them into a treasured necklace.其实这句话的逻辑有一点点问题,pearl给人的想法不是应该是珍贵的么?仔细看能看懂作者的意图,但是本质上这个类比不是很贴切。不知道童鞋们有没有更好的类比,能阐释个体没有价值但是整体就很珍贵。要知道这样的失误发生在关键句里很可能毁了这一段,所以对于主题句每段关键句这类的句子,希望同学们有时间优先检查,我就见过上来句破题偏题的,其实他整篇文章的理解是对的,就这一句写歪了,那么不好意思,最多给你fair了。
        杨可斐:托福独立写作学生习作详细评析 PART6,南京新航道托福频道为大家推荐如上。

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