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南京托福阅读:TPO核心词汇Minerals and plants

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  南京托福阅读:TPO核心词汇Minerals and plants?亲爱的朋友们,在做TPO阅读文章的情况下,你是不是被很多单词搞得晕头晕脑?许多学员入门托福阅读,见到不认识的单词会一个一个部首查字典,尤其浪费时间,错过良好的机会哦!。许多同学们由于厌烦查单词,舍弃或是耽误了托福学习。如今,为了更好地节约大伙儿的時间,南京新航道为大伙儿梳理了TPO上的关键单词。学习这种单词吧!TOEFL之TPO阅读文章单词情境记忆力,让记忆力单词迅速精 确!

南京托福阅读:TPO核心词汇Minerals and plants?

  TPO第十篇 Minerals and plants   Notoriously 声名狼藉的;灭绝人性的;大家都知道的The trains are notoriously unreliable. 列车禁止点是众所周知的。The weather here is notoriously fickle. 这儿的气温众所周知的变化莫测。(fickle变化多端的)Deficient 有缺陷的;欠缺的The milk is deficient in fat. 这牛乳脂肪率不够。Vegetarians can become iron-deficient. 素食主义者很有可能会缺锌。Serpentine 蜿蜒曲折的The serpentine course of the river 蜿蜒盘旋的河堤Symptom 病症Fever is a symptom of illness. 发高烧是病症的预兆。Cigarettes can aggravate the symptom of a cold. 吸烟会加重感冒症状。Stunt 阻碍发展;技能Lack of the right food may stunt growth.欠缺适度的食材会阻碍生长发育。Have you watched a stunt flying? 你看了特技飞行演出吗?Slender 苗条的;纤长的All girls want to be slender. 全部女生都期待苗条。She was slender and had long dark hair. 她身型苗条,有一头细细长长乌发。Discoloration 掉色;环境污染   Discoloration caused by the sun 因日照造成的退色   Soilless 无需土壤的   What are the advantages and disadvantages of soilless culture? 无土栽培有哪些优点和缺点?   Which environmental factors must be considered while regulating and controlling the environment of soilless culture? 对无土栽培的自然环境设备管控,应考虑到什么关键的环境因素?   Solution 水溶液;有机溶剂;处理   Wash the lenses in saline solution. 用溶液清理眼镜片。   It was only a partial solution to the problem. 那仅仅一部分地解决了这个问题。   Facilitate 使非常容易;推动   Modern inventions facilitate housework. 很多当代创造发明便捷了劳务公司劳动者。   Tractors facilitate farming. 大拖拉机使耕种便捷。   Overabundance 太多   Water resources overabundance or shortage will result in crisis. 水源的太多或过少都是会造成困境。   Four-year-olds have an overabundance of energy. 四岁的小孩有产能过剩的活力。   Toxic 有毒的   The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea. 这个加工厂出现意外泄露很多有毒废弃物到海里。   Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. 过多的有毒废弃物在向大海中乱倒。   Amass 累积   It would take me two years to amass a hundred dollars. 攒一百元钱我需要2年時间。   The player to amass the highest number of point wins. 评分zui高者赢。   Mustard 芥;芥末   I’m not especially fond of mustard. 芥末我吃不来。   I don’t like mustard;it’s too hot. 我不会喜欢芥末,这东西太辣了。   Scenario 故事情节;脚本制作;计划方案   This is an adaptation of a novel for the scenario. 它是由小说改编的影视剧本。   Let me suggest a possible scenario. 我构想一种很有可能发生的状况。   Relocate 拆迁;再次安装   The firm may be forced to relocate from New York to Stanford. 企业或许会迫不得已从纽约市转移到斯坦福大学。   Will you have to travel or relocate for your job? 为了更好地工作中你能常常公出或是搬新家吗?   Nitrogen 氮   The atmosphere consist of more than 70% of nitrogen. 空气中带有70%之上的N2。   Nitrogen is a gas without color or smell. 氮是一种无色无臭的汽体。   Nitrate 硝酸盐   Silver nitrate is a salt. 硝酸盐是一种酸盐化学物质。   We need to cut nitrate levels in water. 大家必须减少水里的硝酸盐成分。   Calcium 钙   Calcium is found most abundantly in milk. 奶含钙量zui丰富多彩。   We need calcium to make bones. 大家必须钙来健骨。   Chlorophyll 叶绿素   Chlorophyll is produced by the action of light on the plant’s leaves. 光对植物的叶片产生功效进而造成叶翠绿色。   The manufacture of chlorophyll in plants is activated by sunlight. 植物中的翠绿色素是在日照的标准下逐渐造成的。   Phosphorus 磷   Phosphorus is essential to plant growth. 植物生长发育必须磷。   No animal or plant can exist without phosphorus. 沒有一种动物或植物离去磷能存活。   Petiole 叶柄;柄部   A sessile leaf hao no petiole. 无柄的叶沒有叶柄。   Olive or petiole and cauline stalk are Brown. 叶柄及秆呈深棕色。   Vein 静脉血管   The doctor injects glucose into the patient’s vein. 医师把葡萄糖注射入患者的静脉血管。   Passengers on long-haul flights are being warned about the risks of deep vein thrombosis. 远途飞机航班上的旅客须留意很有可能发生下肢静脉血栓。(血栓症)   I am not in the vein for writing today. 我今 天沒有情绪创作。   Hydroponic 水栽发的;水溶液塑造的   In recent years hydroponic farming has been expanded to many parts of the world. 近年来,水栽法栽种已在全球很多地域营销推广。   Please describe the characteristics of hydroponic. 探讨述水培植物的特性?   Sodium 钠   Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. 食用盐是钠和氯的一氧化氮合酶。   Out over the town the sodium lights were lit. 在外面,同城的钠日光灯都会亮。   Chloride 氟化物   The salt lithium chloride is hygroscopic. 氯化锂盐具备吸水性。   A saturated solution of sodium chloride 氧化钠溶度积   Legume 豆荚;豆类食品   Legumes are an excellent source of protein.豆类食品含有蛋白。   Pathogen 病原菌;病原体   At least one avian disease pathogen has been found. 早已发觉zui少有一种禽病的病原体。

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