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  新托福之TPO阅读重点单词语境记忆?亲爱的朋友们,在做TPO阅读文章的情况下,你是不是被很多单词搞得晕头晕脑?许多学员入门托福阅读,见到不认识的单词会一个一个部首查字典,尤其浪费时间,错过良好的机会哦!。许多同学们由于厌烦查单词,舍弃或是耽误了托福学习。如今,为了更好地节约大伙儿的時间,小编为大伙儿梳理了TPO上的关键单词。学习这种单词吧!TOEFL之TPO阅读文章单词情境记忆力,让记忆力单词迅速精 确!


  新托福之TPO阅读文章关键单词情境记忆力11   The origin of the Pacific island people   Scatter 分散化;撒   The birds scattered at the sound of the gun. 枪响一响, 群鸟受惊吓飘散。   Don't scatter your strength. 不必分散化你的活力。   The farmers were scattering seeds on the fields. 农家把種子撒在地里。   Mutually 相互之间地   These two aims are not always mutually complementary: at times they conflict. 这两个总体目标不一直相辅相成的:有时候他们互相排斥。   If everybody is well, mutually congratulates. 假如大家都一切顺利,就相互之间庆贺。   Deprecate 不赞同   The peace-loving people deprecate war. 喜欢和平的老百姓抵制战事。   I strongly deprecate the use of violence by the students. 我明显抵制学员们恐吓威胁。   Drift 飘流   The snow drifted everywhere. 皑皑白雪至各部。   The boat drifted down the river. 船顺流飘流而下。   Overwhelming 来势汹汹的;压倒的   The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority. 该法令以压倒大部分根据。   Our football team has won an overwhelming victory. 大家的球队获得了压倒性的获胜。   Overwhelming majority 压倒的大部分   Prevailing 占上风的;关键的;风靡的   Plague was then prevailing in that city. 那时候疫情已经该城时兴。   Yellow is the prevailing color in her room. 淡黄色是她屋子的基本色。   Appropriate 适度的   Her bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral. 她那身艳丽的衣服裤子不宜参与丧礼。   You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time. 在适度的情况下将把详细信息对你说。   Domesticated 驯养的;收服的;驯养   The cat is domesticated. 这只猫是驯养的。   We domesticated the dog to help us with hunting. 大家驯养狗来帮大家捕猎。   Inventory 详尽文件目录;库存商品明细   This is a detailed inventory of all the jobs to be done. 它是一张待办事宜的详表。   The inventory showed that the store was overstocked. 明细表明店铺库存商品太多。   Voyage 航行;旅途   It is a prosperous voyage to the ship. 它是那艘船的一次取得成功的航行。   Life is compared to a voyage. 人生道路如同远洋航行。   The December weather favored our voyage. 12月的气温使大家的航行成功。   Maroon 使独立;把..流放到荒岛;闲荡   When the tide came in I was a maroon out there. 潮涨时,我还在那边流荡。   If someone is marooned somewhere,they are left in a place that is difficult for them to escape from.假如别人被孤立在某一地区,含意便是她们难以逃出那个地方。   Adrift 飘泊的;飘流的   They returned to find that someone had cut their boat adrift. 她们回家时发觉有些人断开了尼龙绳任船在水中飘流。   His faith in himself had been shattered and now he felt rootless and adrift. 他的信心早已奔溃,此刻,他感觉自身宛如一叶浮萍草,不知道飞向何处。   Deliberate 有意的;镇定自若的   He told us a deliberate lie. 他有意跟大家说谎。   It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident.那很好像故意的罪刑,而不好像出现意外的安全事故。   Expedition 战役;调查   The scientists will go on an expedition to the South Pole. 这种即将去南极调查。   They equipped themselves for the expedition. 她们为战役治装。   Dynamic 驱动力的;动态性的;魅力的   There is a dynamic ball in the computer. 在电脑上里有一个动态性的球。   We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 大家已经找寻活力四射的业务员。   Linguistics 语言学   Linguistics is a scientific study of the property of language. 语言学就是指对语言表达的特性所做的系统软件科学研究。   He is engaged in studies in linguistics. 他从业于语言学的科学研究。   Navigational 航行的;远洋航行的   It is impossible to navigate safely without these navigational aids. 要是没有这种助航机器设备,安全性航行是不太可能的。   Navigational chart 航海图   Navigational instrument 导航栏仪器设备   Raft 木筏;木排   The raft came close to the rocks and then sheered away. 这条木筏划近岩礁, 随后快速转为绕开。   The raft was floating gently down the river. 筏子顺河流慢慢飘流。   Prerequisite 前提条件的   A sense of humor is prerequisite to understanding her work. 要了解她的著作就务必具备幽默风趣。   A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level. 务必具有大专学校的学士学位才可以从业这一级的工作中。   Taro 芋头   They were the first people to cultivate taro. 她们是zui开始逐渐栽种芋头的人。   Taro is a tropical plant used widely in the Pacific islands. 芋头是中国太平洋海岛广泛服用的热带雨林植物。   Yarn 纱;线   Wool fibers can be spun into yarn. 羊毛绒化学纤维可织成纱。   The tailor was balling the yarn. 裁缝师已经把线缠成线团。   Sugarcane 甘蔗   He cut the sugarcane into several pieces. 他把甘蔗裁成几组。   Rum is made from sugarcane here. 甘蔗在这儿被做成白朗姆酒。   Coconut 椰子;椰肉   I bought a coconut in the market. 我还在市集上买来一个椰子。   He was eating a slice of coconut. 他已经吃一片椰肉。   Sago 西米露;西谷椰子   Some people consume corn, cassava, sago or sweet potato as staple food. 有的人以苞米,木薯,西米露,地瓜为主导食。(staple关键的)   Outrigger 支撑架   A wooden structure that is fixed to the side of a boat or ship in order to keep it steady in the water有舷外固定支架的小帆船;舷外固定支架


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