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南京托福阅读词汇:William smith

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  南京托福阅读词汇:William smith?亲爱的朋友们,在做TPO阅读的情况下,你是不是被很多单词搞得晕头晕脑?许多学员入门toefl阅读,见到不认识的单词会一个一个部首查字典,尤其浪费时间,错过良好的机会哦!。许多同学们由于厌烦查单词,舍弃或是耽误了托福学习。如今,为了更好地节约大伙儿的時间,小编为大伙儿梳理了TPO上的关键单词。学习这种单词吧!TOEFL之TPO阅读单词语境记忆力,让记忆力单词迅速精确!

南京托福阅读词汇:William smith

  新托福之TPO阅读关键单词语境记忆力14   William smith   Rudimentary 基本上的;基本的   I have only a rudimentary knowledge of chemistry. 我只有一些浅显的化学知识。   They were given only rudimentary training in the job. 她们只是遭受过基本上的岗位训炼。   Rudimentary training 基本上训炼   Roam 数据漫游;游逛   They roamed about in the park. 她们在花园里穿行。   He used to roam the street for hours on end. 他以往常逛大街,一逛便是好多个钟头。   Apprentice 学徒工   My son is an apprentice in a furniture maker's workshop. 我的孩子在一家家具制造厂做学徒工。   He began his career as an apprentice. 他以做学徒逐渐他的职业发展。   Outcrop 外露路面的岩层   She sat on a rocky outcrop at the crown of the hill. 她坐着峰顶一块突起的石块处。   The outcrop that we found proved to be very rich in gold. 大家发觉的冒头岩层被证实含有金矿石。   Meticulously 出现异常细心地   Bob stuck to that decision meticulously. 鲍勃一丝不苟地坚持不懈实行这一决策。   She is always meticulously accurate in punctuation and spelling. 她的标点符号和拼读一直十分精确。   Ubiquitous 普遍现象的   We were plagued by the ubiquitous mosquito. 大家被无处不在的蚊虫所困惑。   The struggle between opposite is ubiquitous. 对立的抗争无处不在。   The ubiquitous bicycles of university towns 高校城内随处由此可见的单车   Parish 教区   The priest visited all the old people in the parish. 法师看望了教区里的全部老年人。   He was a warden at the local parish church. 他是当地教区主教堂的管理人员。   Parish church 教区主教堂   Locomotive 火车头;电力机车   The locomotive has broken down. 火车头坏掉。   The locomotive was dashed to pieces. 电力机车撞得破碎。   Strata zui底层;岩层;社会阶层   The older strata gradually disintegrate. 较老的岩层逐渐风化层。   They represent all social strata. 她们意味着每个社会阶层。   People from all social strata 来源于不一样社会阶层的人   Floral 花的;绿色植物的   There's a floral pattern on the curtain. 窗帘布上面有纹样图案。   There is a floral border round the mouth of the vase. 瓶塞上面有一道花边图。   Fauna 所有动物   A very toxic gas escaped and negatively influenced flora and fauna. 十分有害的汽体泄露并危害到动物与植物。   The unique fauna fascinated me. I have never seen zoos like that back home. 这儿独有的动物群真令我痴迷,在中国沒有见过那样的野生动物园。   Limestone 石灰岩   Limestone is often used in building construction. 石灰岩常见于工程建筑。   Cement is made from limestone. 混凝土是由白云石做成的。   Trilobite 三叶虫   Two others of these trilobite fossils have been found in the same area. 在同一地域还发觉了此外二块这种三叶虫动物化石。   The trilobite can clean a room on its own, using sound waves to feel its way around. 三叶虫能够运用声波频率探察,进而自身打扫卫生。

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