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雅思口语7分考鸭使用的单词到底高 级在哪里?!

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2021-12-28 10:09


  同学们估计很好奇,雅思口语7分的考生在考场上到底使用了哪些单词,让考官觉得ta值得这个分数,徐州雅思培训班小编告诉大家!7分的其中一部分,肯定要归功于——固定搭配的使用!举个例子,ta可能会说出“mindless crime”(无意识犯罪)这个搭配,两个单词直接精 准说明自己的观点和态度,考官听得“开心”,你的分数自然也不会差到哪儿去。


雅思口语7分考鸭使用的单词到底高 级在哪里?!

  A quick learner

  释义:someone who learns new things easily

  例句:Anne speaks Italian fluently and has only been in Rome a year, she is a quick learner!

  Absolutely delighted

  释义:to be very happy about something

  例句:Toni was absolutely delighted with her birthday gift!


  Absolutely vital

  释义:extremely important

  例句:It’s absolutely vital that we should explore new sources of energy.


  Bubbly personality

  释义:someone with a bubbly personality is positive, lively and talkative

  例句:I prefer people with bubbly personalities, they are so easy to talk to.


  Carbon footprint

  释义:a measure of your impact on the environment

  例句:I’m trying to reduce my carbon footprint by using my bike instead of the car.


  Cautiously optimistic

  释义:to have a realistically positive view of the future

  例句:I am cautiously optimistic about getting a new job.


  Childhood friend

  释义:a friend you have known since you were young

  例句:I have known Debbie for 30 years, she is my childhood friend.


  Complete disaster

  释义:describes a situation that has gone very wrong

  例句:The shopping trip was a complete disaster since It rained all day.


  Find a solution

  释义:to find a way of solving a problem

  例句:The government must find a solution to the budgeting issue.


  Food miles

  释义:the distance food has to travel from where it is produced to where it is eaten

  例句:If we grow some of your own vegetables, we can decrease your food miles dramatically.


  Formal education

  释义:the time in your life when you are educated at school or university

  例句:My grandfather left school when he was 14, so his formal education was quite short.


  Go on a diet

  释义:to eat in a way that will cause you to lose weight

  例句:After Spring Festival I am going on a diet, I have put on so much weight during it.


  Keep in shape

  释义:to take good care of your body and not get fat

  例句:I keeps myself in shape by going to the gym every day.

  Make a living

  释义:earn enough money to live on

  例句:In the 90s, my father made a living working in the hospitality industry.

  Mature student

  释义:a student who is older than the average age of others

  例句:It was fine being a mature student, but most friends I made at uni were younger than me.


  Newly qualified

  释义:having recently completed your training for a job

  例句:My friend Jim doesn’t have much experience yet. He is a newly qualified lawyer.


  Overcome a hurdle

  释义:to manage to resolve a problem

  例句:I had to overcome many hurdles on my way to becoming a qualified teacher.


  Personality trait

  释义:particular aspects of someone’s personality

  例句:My cousin Ryan has some very positive personality traits. He is intelligent, caring and loyal.


  Slightly different

  释义:not exactly the same

  例句:That hat is a slightly different colour to the dress.


  Special occasion

  释义:a time when a particular event is celebrated

  例句:I think I will save this party dress for a special occasion.

  Spend a fortune

  释义:to spend a lot of money

  例句:Maggie spent a fortune on her new car!

  Stunningly attractive

  释义:very good looking

  例句:My grandmother was a stunningly attractive woman.


  Throw a party

  释义:to organise a party

  例句:When I was a kid, we used to throw a party every New Year.

  Value for money

  释义:something is worth the money you spend on it

  例句:That coat was really good value for money.


  Watch what somebody eat

  释义:to follow a diet in order to lose weight

  例句:I’m watching what I eat at the moment,I need to lose a few pounds.


  Some people think it is too late to stop global warming. Do you agree?

  在看答案之前,建议大家可以自己尝试回答这个问题,然后再和下面的答案进行对比,看谁的答案更简洁明了而又精 准

I am actually cautiously optimistic about the environment. It is absolutely vital that we all work together now to make big changes in how we live, including switching to clean energy and developing green technologies.


  以上就是徐州雅思培训班小编想给大家介绍的雅思口语中好用的固定搭配短语!一些同学这个时候是不是会发出“就这?”的声音,虽然一些固定搭配看起来都很简单,但是要保证精 准使用可不容易。雅思口语本来也不需要很多高难度、偏僻的词汇,只要你能够保证你的用词够精 准和地道,分数也不会低哦!

  不过有一说一,同学们要记得在有了流利度的基础上,再尝试插入这些效果会更好,千万不要为了地道或者“高 级”牺牲了流利度,得不偿失哦~

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