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南京新航道 > 雅思培训 > 雅思口语Part2:描述一个户外活动——Describe an outdoor activity you did!

雅思口语Part2:描述一个户外活动——Describe an outdoor activity you did!

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2024-05-28 16:16


  雅思口语Part2:描述一个户外活动——Describe an outdoor activity you did!节目结合时事以及主流热点,每期节目控制在3分钟左右,碎片化学习,每周更新一期。


  最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe an outdoor activity you did”。说到这个话题,我可得好好跟你安利一波我的落基山脉徒步旅行。落基山脉是我去年和我的3个小伙伴们一起趁着春节假期一起去的。那里的环境和风景满足了我对于旅行的一切幻想。每当我翻开我们一起在落基山脉游玩的相册,无数美好的回忆都浮现在了我的眼前。想知道我们在落基山脉究竟创造了哪些美好的回忆吗?那就待我向你娓娓道来吧~

  雅思口语Part2:描述一个户外活动——Describe an outdoor activity you did!


  本期Part 2 话题

  Describe an outdoor activity you did

  You should say:

  What the activity was

  When and where you did it

  Who you did it with

  And explain why you enjoyed it



  One outdoor activity that stands out vividly in my memory is when I went hiking in the breathtakingly beautiful Rocky Mountains. It was an exhilarating adventure filled with stunning scenery, challenging trails, and a profound sense of connection with nature.

  Setting off early in the morning with a small group of friends, we embarked on our journey into the heart of the Rockies. The crisp mountain air filled our lungs as we began our ascent, surrounded by towering pine trees and the distant echoes of wildlife.

  The trail wound its way through rugged terrain, offering panoramic views of snow-capped peaks and cascading waterfalls at every turn. As we navigated steep inclines and rocky pathways, each step brought us closer to the summit and a sense of accomplishment.

  Along the way, we encountered a variety of flora and fauna, from delicate wildflowers blooming in alpine meadows to elusive mountain goats gracefully navigating the rocky slopes. We paused frequently to soak in the natural beauty around us, capturing moments of awe-inspiring majesty with our cameras.

  Reaching the summit was a triumphant moment, rewarded by sweeping vistas that stretched as far as the eye could see. We celebrated our achievement with a well-deserved picnic, savoring the simple pleasures of good company and breathtaking scenery.

  Descending back down the mountain, we were filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunity to experience the wonders of the natural world firsthand. It was a day filled with laughter, adventure, and unforgettable memories that will remain etched in my heart forever.

  Words & expressions in this episode

  1. terrain n. 地形;地势

  2. majesty n. 雄伟;壮丽;威严

  3. savor v. 尽情享受;细细品味

        以上就是新航道南京雅思封闭培训班小编分享的雅思口语Part2:描述一个户外活动——Describe an outdoor activity you did的全部内容,大家可以参考一下,更多有关雅思备考的问题,可以咨询新航道雅思老师哦~

【本文标签】: 南京雅思培训| 南京托福培训| 南京sat培训| 新航道雅思| 新航道托福|

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