今天,新航道南京雅思封闭培训班小编带大家一起来了解一下《剑19》Test 4小作文组合图表原创范文!
剑19Test 4 Task 1
The pie chart illustrates where dance classes are located, and the bar chart compares the age distribution of participants in three kinds of dance classes.
解析: 静态图的比较中,最多的就是gender distribution 或age distribution, 学过写作的同学对这个短语不会陌生。
The pie chart reveals that the majority of dance classes are conducted in private studios, accounting for 48% of all classes, while only 10% of classes are situated in college-based studios. School halls accommodate 24% of the classes, with the remaining 18% held in community halls and other venues.
解析: 饼图中只有4个数据,全部写了出来。首先在和最小之间做了一个对比,然后写出了剩下的两个数据。语法结果了使用了while对比状语从句,分词,和with结构。
静态图的句子由三个部分组成: 对象,比较特征,数据。上过冲刺班的同学应该能一下看出来,在句子结构上的变化上我用了3个部分轮流作主语: 比较特征(the majority of); 数据(10%); 对象(school halls)。
From the bar chart, there are noticeable age disparities among attendees, categorized into two age groups: under 11 and 11-16 years old. The most significant difference is in ballet, where around 600 participants are under 11, compared to only 300 participants aged 11-16. In contrast, modern dance exhibits a different pattern, with most students belonging to the older age group (about 520), and only 300 younger students involved. Tap dance, on the other hand, shows a more balanced distribution, attracting approximately 450 participants in each category.
解析: 这个柱图是我们在写作团讲过的典型的交叉比较类型。大家一看就应该发现跟我们学习的范文模式和味道一模一样。 我标出来的地方是大家对应该记住的典型套路,真的太套路了。
Overall, private studios are the most favored venues for dance classes. Students under 11 generally prefer ballet, while older ones demonstrate a strong preference for modern dance. (187 words)
解析: 两个图之间没有联系,总结各自最主要的信息就可以了。
以上就是新航道南京雅思封闭培训班小编分享的《剑19》Test 4小作文组合图表原创范文的全部内容,大家可以参考一下,更多有关雅思备考的问题,可以咨询新航道雅思老师哦~