2014-11-26 11:21来源:南京新航道原创作者:王妍 责编:南京
王妍 南京新航道国外考试部SAT阅读主讲。长期从事SAT教学及研究工作,有高校任教经历;能更深入了解中国学生的英语薄弱项,因材施教;课堂气氛活跃,可以充分调动学生积极性;教学严谨,让学员迅速掌握考试规律和技巧的同时提高英语应用能力。
项 山寨选项
“While the United States was fighting the War of 1812 with Britain, a series of violent incidents occurred when authorities entered Seminole territory to recapture runaway slaves, which aggravated the Seminole and increased hostility. ”
According to the passage, the “hostility” between the United States and the Seminole was intensified by which of the following?
其中两个选项是(B) Officials invading Native American territory to reclaim escaped slaves和(D) A violent incident that aggravated the American government。(D)选项中直接使用了文中原词“violent incident” 和 “aggravated”,而表达了相反的概念:是美国政府的行为导致了敌意,而不是反之。可以看出山寨版选项在完全复制选项的同时,通常还办伴随有其他陷阱。
第二项 背离预判选项
College Board深谙心理学原理,非常擅长利用考生的自我否定倾向。我们经常在看到题目之后会立刻会怀疑自己没有真正理解作者的意图,阅读选项就很好地迎合了我们的这种心态,提供与预先推断相反的选项等着你就范。比如:
The festival allowed us to acknowledge our German heritage after hiding our ancestry the rest of the year. For one weekend, my sisters and I could feast on mettwurst and maultaschen, dance the landler, and play Topfschlagen without worrying about the antiGerman sentiments permeating the country after the war. It was our most memorable weekend of 1946.
According to the passage, the narrator remembers the “festival” (line 1) with fondness because
(A) he learned a German dance called the landler
(B) he was able to conceal his German heritage
(D) it allowed him to celebrate his culture
(E) German sausages were prepared for the first time that year
相信很多考生都会认同:整段话是在对姐妹两个如何在1946年的某个周末吃喝玩乐忘记烦恼,而不用担心战后举国上下的反德情绪。可是,当我们按照题目指引回到行阅读的时候却赫然发现“The festival allowed us to acknowledge our German heritage”这样的字样,所以坚决地否定自己的预判选择了(D)而与正确选项(B)失之交臂。所以请大家务必坚信自己的预判,除非可以在上下文中找出更有力的反驳证据。
第三项 极端选项
(A) People in the neighborhood think that Mr. Wilson is mean.
(B) Most people in the neighborhood think that Mr. Wilson is mean.
(C) Many people in the neighborhood think that Mr. Wilson is mean.
(D) Some people in the neighborhood think that Mr. Wilson is mean.
(E) The neighbor thinks that Mr. Wilson is somewhat mean.
选项(B)(C)的“大部分人”和“很多人”是我们一般认为的化的表达,而忽略了(A)中“people”这一表述,people指人,那么是人都觉得如此,比(B)(C)更加。而(D)(E)是表达适度的选项,“some people”只要文章中找到两个人认为他很mean就可以了;“somewhat”意思是“有点,稍微”和slightly相近,在程度上弱化了mean的表达。所以(D)(E)是我们正确答案最可能出现的范围,可以帮助我们在文章中快速锁定范围。
(A) Henry must go to the wedding.
(B) Henry needs to go to the wedding.
(C) Henry should go to the wedding.
这是极端动词的一个典型,need to有have to不得不做的意味和must一样,坐着很难再文章中证明这样做的必要性,相比之下(C)才符合我们常规表述。
(A) Penelope was surprised by her mother’s vicious reply.
(B) Penelope was surprised by her mother’s insensitive reply.
第四项 文不对题选项
Columbus Day is in danger of extinction. In several cities in California, it has been replaced by Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Parades in honor of the explorer have not occurred in Columbus,Ohio since the 1990s. And South Dakoka has renamed the holiday “Native American Day.” Even where the holiday is preserved, many people lack enthusiasm for the celebration in fear of offending descendants of native peoples.The third sentence (“Parades in . . . the 1990s”) indicates that
(A) The recent lack of enthusiasm for Columbus Day has changed how the holiday is celebrated in America
(B) The city of Columbus, Ohio once commemorated its eponymous explorer with a parade.
选项(A)准确的概括了这段文字的核心,说明了Columbus Day传统变化的原因,但是题目指向是文章第三句,也就是“二十世纪九十年代后在哥伦比亚出现了纪念的游行队伍”表明了什么。仔细甄别,不难发现(B)才真正回答了问题,是我们不二的选择。
第五项 似是而非选项
对于粗心的考生,这种选项是杀手——它们看似十分正确,却同时加上了原文没有或是不相关的信息。假设文章在讲各种蝴蝶的饮食习惯,题目问及monarch butterfly的饮食习惯,特别要留神,不要把别的蝴蝶的饮食习惯归在它的头上。再比如
Unlike the Tango, a dance which can trace its roots directly back to Argentina and Uruguay, Ballroom Tango saw significant changes in both structure and technique as the dance traveled to the United States and Europe. Film star Rudolph Valentino first brought Ballroom Tango to Hollywood in the early 1920s, and the famous dance instructor Arthur Murray later helped popularize a standardized version which incorporated steps that were common to the US during that period. This incarnation of Ballroom Tango was generally considered somewhat less formal and referred to as the “American Style” by the English, who wished to distinguish this informal approach from their own International Style—a technique that was taught in countries throughout Europe and had already become the de facto standard in competitions around the world.
The standardized version of the Ballroom Tango features which of the following?
(A) steps that were common in American film
(C) conventional American movements
选项(A) “steps that were common,” 在文章第六行有出现,但原文中提到“在那段时间得美国较常见”,选项则说“在美国电影中常见”。文中的美国电影与Ballroom Tango并没有什么直接联系,是电影演员把这种舞步带到了好莱坞。(A)是典型的似是而非选项。提到文中部分信息,同时附加未提及的信息,所以不会是正确选项。
第六项 常识选项
In late summer, black bears begin gorging on carbohydraterich foods in order to put on significant weight and body fat. They can gain as much as 30 pounds in a single week! Once fall arrives, the bear prepares its den, lining it with leaves and other plants to form a nest. According to the passage, black bears seek “carbohydrate-rich foods” primarily because they
(B) are preparing to hibernate
(C) need to considerably increase their body mass
经过多年的科普知识和动物世界的浸染,我们一提到动物们储备食物,就会时间想到过冬。在时间紧迫的考场上看到(B)选项,会感到格外亲切。往往这种地球人都知道的东西在SAT考试中偏偏不是正确答案。这里文章中对黑熊寻找富含碳水化合物的食物是为了“to put on significant weight and body fat”。