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  雅思口语part2:地点类难点话题《想住的公寓或房子》。过往的文章中,地点类出现较多的都是和“Public place”,还有就是和“City/Country”相关的话题。不过,针对地点类话题,雅思官方另一个出题方向便是“Accommodation”。





  Describe a house or flat that you would like to live

  You should say:

  • What it would be like

  • Where it would be

  • Why you would like to live in this house/ flat

  • And explain how you felt about this house/ flat


  这道题乍一看可能你会觉得又是考验想象力的时候,但如若你认真看看标题,你会发现此题的实质考点是“house VS flat”的两者差异性。

  毕竟,你会选择house,是因为house有强于flat的点;反之亦然。所以,想要答好这个题,我们需要先了解这两者的核心区别在哪?同时,也要注意了,这两者的差异性也可以用来回答Part 1必考题 Apartment里涉及的问题。

  House vs Flat

  • Location



  • Price



  • Size


  Flat相对会显得狭小而拥挤(cramped and narrow),但是小的空间给人足够的安全感,同时打扫是一件方便的事。

  • Neighbors



  • Potential problems/risks


  有了以上的几点差异性,接着我们便可按小问来完成每一个小问题。但在开始讲解前,我要重点提一点,此话题全篇的时态为“将来时”:would be/ would like (to) 的形式。


  What it would be like



  Appearance又包括:“size/color/ shape/ material/ decoration/ style”。

  • 从“Size”着手的话,你可以具体到需要几个房间以及房间各自的功能性。

  Example one:

  Well I would prefer a small flat, just right for a single person. It would have a small but cozy bedroom and a small but stylish living room.

  Example two:

  Well I would prefer a big house with a huge home cinema and a private gym. If it is possible, I would also love to have a big terrace and a garden which gives me enough space to relax and unwind.

  • 从“Color”着手的话, 你可先将颜色分为亮色和暗色进。鉴于每一类色系给人不一样的感觉,你可以进一步说明此颜色给你带来的positive或者negative的感受。

  Example one:

  I would decorate it with bright bold colors, such as yellow. Even though some people would hate this color in their house, it would cheer me up.

  Example two:

  I would decorate it with dark colors, such as dove grey. I think it would be a perfect choice to make my home more sophisticated and elegant.

  • 从“Decoration”着手的话,它可以包括家具、电器、灯饰、植物、装饰物等。

  你可以说你的家不需要现代化的生活设备,因为你更追求质朴的生活;你也可以说你的家需要有各种各样现代化的生活设备,因为你想要有更加方便智能的生活。如果你想要从高科技层面着手进行阐述的话,你可以注意到高科技的东西无非涵盖两个点:1. 具备语音识别系统;2. 可以用手机连接。

  Example one:

  I like a simple life so I would prefer a minimal home. It would be charming and pretty with lots of bright colors. I wouldn't have fancy mod cons or lots of furniture as it would feel cluttered. I would have a huge garden full of vegetables and fruits that I would grow myself.

  Example two:

  My flat would have all the up-to-date mod cons. For example, my home appliances would be linked to my mobile phone, so I could control them from anywhere. In the house, I would have a voice recognition system, so I could change the temperature of the air conditioning or change the TV channel just through using my commands.

  I would have an incredible bathroom with a top of the range power shower and my living room would have the most comfortable sofa I could find with a built-in massage function.

  • 从“Material”着手的话,我会重点推荐你考虑环保材料。对于欧美考官而言,他们多数都会对环保类的内容感兴趣。

  Example :

  As I am an eco-warrior, I would like to live in an environmentally-friendly house. My home would only be made of natural materials, such as bamboo and mud. It would be completely sustainable in that I would grow all my own food. It would look amazing and would blend into nature.

  • 从“Style”着手的话,我们可以重点突出此风格下的颜色和装饰物。拿地中海风格举个例子,这种风格的家装设计基本就是两色和自然的结合。你会看到各种亮色的家具,同时你的家里也会种满植物。

  Example :

  I have always dreamt of living in a Mediterranean style house. It would be painted bright white and blue and it would have lots of rustic furniture. It would be light and airy and there would be a terrace that goes all around the house. There would be olive trees in the garden and lots of beautiful artwork everywhere.



  Example one:

  I would like to live in a big house in the future. It would have three floors and each floor would have at least 3 or 4 bedrooms. They would all be very big and spacious, so everyone could enjoy their own space. The exterior of the house would be painted pink and yellow, both of which are my favorite colors. I think the vibrant colors would brighten up each day.

  Example two:

  I would like to live in a small flat, suitable for one person. It would have one small but cozy bedroom and a narrow but comfortable living room. At least then, I wouldn't need to spend too much time cleaning. I would also like to make it a smart home, as I am tech-savvy. I would have state-of-the-art equipment installed which would have voice recognition system connected to my phone. I think it would make my life so much easier.

  Example three:

  If it were possible, I would like to live in a big flat, which would have enough space for a family of three to live. The whole space would be decorated with dark colors, especially dove grey. It would make my space feel very modern and elegant. As my mum has green fingers, I would also like to have a big balcony or a rooftop terrace where she could grow some plants to relax and unwind.


  Where it would be


  ① 位于市中心


  Example :

  The flat would be in the city center, close to all the amenities 便利设施. It wouldn't be far from my workplace, so I wouldn't need to spend too much time commuting. More importantly, living in the city center would offer a more lively lifestyle. At least, I would never feel bored. I could hang out with my friends and go shopping. I could also try all the delicious food in the street markets.

  ② 位于郊区


  Example :

  The house would be on the outskirts of the city, tucked away 隐匿于 in the mountains. Even though it would be a bit far from the city center, I could escape from the hustle and bustle 繁忙 and enjoy life surrounded by nature. More importantly, the unpolluted environment would be beneficial for my health.

  I could breathe fresh air and enjoy blue skies with big, fluffy clouds 朵朵白云. In the evening, I could even lay on the grass and appreciate the starry night. It would be so romantic.

  以上两种情况针对的是固定的房子,但也有同学的想法天马行空希望有个可移动的房子, 那你可以重点体现它的“Flexibility”。

  Example :

  As it would be a houseboat 船屋. It would give me lots of freedom and I could move from place to place. I have a friend who lives on the boat and he said it was the best place to live as you never get bored with your surroundings.


  Why you would like to live in this house/ flat

  这道题的重点就是文章最开始提到的“House VS Flat”的两者差异性。


  Example one:

  I would like to live in this house, as it would bring me many benefits. There would be no neighbors, so I wouldn't be disturbed. Right now, I live in an apartment and the neighbors are a nightmare 噩梦. They play loud music, have endless parties, and ignore all my requests to be less noisy.

  Example two:

  Even though my future flat might not be that big, I would still like to live there. It would be very economical and there would not be a huge financial burden on me. As we all know, buying property is usually pricey and many people work hard for a house. A flat is more realistic for my budget and I wouldn't spend the rest of my life paying it off.


  How you feel about this house/ flat

  这一小问其实也是从“Flat VS House”的差异性上寻找观点。为此,你需要合理安排三、四小问。第三问提到的观点就需要在第四小问避免。

  同时,“How you feel about...”类型问题可涉及“Positive & Negative”两种观点,不要以为是你想住的就不能说它存在的问题。


  Example one:

  I think the house would be perfect for me, but it would be difficult for me to afford. Especially as it is in a big city, the prices are so expensive, even if the place is on the outskirts. I would work really hard to achieve it and the idea of owning my own home would be my motivation.

  Example two:

  Apart from the affordable price, I think living in a flat would be a very sensible decision for young people. Neighbors could look out for 照顾 each other and you would never feel lonely. Take my neighbors I have right now as an example, they are all very friendly and kind people who always give me and my family help when we need it. Because of this, we love living in our flat.



  • What it would be like

  I would like to live in a big house in the future. It would have three floors and each floor would have at least 3 or 4 bedrooms. They would all be very big and spacious, so everyone could enjoy their own space. The exterior of the house would be painted pink and yellow, both of which are my favorite colors. I think the vibrant colors would brighten up each day.

  • Where it would be

  The house would be on the outskirts of the city, tucked away in the mountains. Even though it would be a bit far from the city center, I could escape from the hustle and bustle and enjoy life surrounded by nature.

  More importantly, the unpolluted environment would be beneficial for my health. I could breathe fresh air and enjoy blue skies with big, fluffy clouds. In the evening, I could even lay on the grass and appreciate the starry night. It would be so romantic.

  • Why you would like to live in this house/ flat

  I would like to live in this house, as it would bring me many benefits. There would be no neighbors, so I wouldn't be disturbed. Right now, I live in an apartment and the neighbors are a nightmare. They play loud music, have endless parties, and ignore all my requests to be less noisy.

  • How you feel about this house/ flat

  I think the house would be perfect for me, but it would be difficult for me to afford. Especially as it is in a big city, the prices are so expensive, even if the place is on the outskirts. I would work really hard to achieve it and the idea of owning my own home would be my motivation.



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