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南京新航道 > 雅思培训 > 雅思口语Part 2:描述您在网上购物或在商店购物时遇到的问题——一双让我等待一个月的鞋!

雅思口语Part 2:描述您在网上购物或在商店购物时遇到的问题——一双让我等待一个月的鞋!

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2023-01-28 15:51


  节目结合时事以及主流热点,每期节目控制在3分钟左右,碎片化学习,每周更新一期。今天,新航道南京雅思培训机构小编给大家带来雅思口语Part 2:描述您在网上购物或在商店购物时遇到的问题——一双让我等待一个月的鞋!


  最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store”。聊到这个话题就不得不提到我之前的一次购物经历了。我购买了一双某个品牌的鞋,但是当我收到货以后才发现鞋的尺寸不对,于是我只好跟客服沟通退换货,但是最终没有换货成功,具体是为什么呢?咱们一起来聊一聊吧~

  雅思口语Part 2:描述您在网上购物或在商店购物时遇到的问题——一双让我等待一个月的鞋!


  本期Part 2 话题

  Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store

  You should say :

  When it happened

  What you bought

  What problems you had

  And explain how you felt about it



  I remember one time I bought some trainers online and I had a problem when I received them. Actually, they were basketball shoes – I think they were Nike, and they had a really striking design, which is why I chose them. After I ordered them, it only took a couple of days for them to arrive. You know, I was really excited to break them in while playing basketball with my friends, and also kind of show them off. But unfortunately, when I opened the box, I could immediately see that something wasn’t right.

  They were the wrong color, and when I tried them on, I found out the size was also incorrect – they were a little bit too small. When I discovered the problem I felt really frustrated and also disappointed, because I was really looking forward to trying them out that evening. At the same time, I was pretty confident that I would be able to return them, because usually when you buy shoes online the return policy is pretty lenient.

  I opened up my laptop, navigated to the shopping site and started a chat with one of their customer service representatives. I explained the problem to the employee and they were able to help me. They said that it’s no problem to return the shoes since they were the wrong size. But when they checked their current stock they found that they didn’t have the correct size for me, so unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to exchange them – I could only return them for a refund.

  I guess that wasn’t the worst case scenario, you know, at least I got my money back. But I was still quite disappointed about not being able to get the shoes right away. Anyway, I had to wait for another month before they got the correct size in stock, but I was thrilled when I finally received them – they were a perfect fit and looked stunning.

  Words & expressions in this episode

  1.strike adj. 显著的;引人注目的

  2.frustrate adj. 沮丧的;挫败的

  3.lenient adj. 宽大的;仁慈的;宽容

  4.stock n. 库存;股票


  Episode 3音频:

        以上就是新航道南京雅思培训机构小编分享的雅思口语Part 2:描述您在网上购物或在商店购物时遇到的问题——一双让我等待一个月的鞋的全部内容,大家可以参考一下,更多有关雅思考试的问题,可以咨询新航道老师。

【本文标签】: 南京雅思培训| 南京托福培训| 南京sat培训| 新航道雅思| 新航道托福|

【责任编辑】:南京新航道小编 版权所有:转载请注明出处







