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雅思9分作文! 雅思考官打分流程解析!

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  雅思9分作文! 雅思考官打分流程解析!前段时间在油管上看到一个视频,内容是视频的up主让他的前任考官朋友写了一篇9分作文,并让考官仔细地讲解了文章中的那些点是可以加分的。我觉得挺受益的,因为现在市面上的满分范文大部分都只是干巴巴的文章,文章中的得分点也没有具体量化出来,所以我们也不知道这个满分范文到底好在哪里...

  然后这个视频我帮大家搬运过来了!放在文章的最下面,但是由于没有字幕,加上很多细节又比较重要,所以考虑到听力基础不是特别好的小伙伴,小编把范文都敲下来了,得分点都做了标注,然后在每一段下面进行了讲解。经常看生肉的小伙伴,可以直接滑到最下面看视频~ (视频有将近30mins,但是最好要耐心的看完呀!)

  正文开始前,在提示大家一下,在“雅思考官告诉你,什么样的作文能得7+”这篇文章里,就说过当考官拿到你的文章时候,不是从满分开始一点点往下扣,而是0分开始一点点往上加,而得分点就是我每篇关于写作文章都会提到的那四项(TR, LR, GR, CC 如果你还不知道这四个评分标注代表什么,那你的写作相当于在乱写、碰运气了)。所以为了更方便大家阅读,我用颜色来区分几项评分标准:




  * 因为TR是任务回应,就是有没有跑题、有没有回答完整问题,在词汇句式中体现不出来,所以这篇文章就只有三种颜色哈。




  As electronic devices play an increasingly more central role in our lives, it has been suggested that there has been an unprecedented deline in interpersonal communication not only with colleagues, business associates and close friends, but also with our [6]immediate family. I completely agree with this assertion and, moreover, this is a worrying trend that looks set to continue.

  Introduction 得分点讲解:

  increasingly: 避免写作中出现像basic words,所以这里用increasingly more就比much more要好,同样的也可以说significantly.

  it has been suggested that: 被动句。昨天关于语法文章提到过了,要展示你grammatical range.

  unprecedented: 比起直接说a decline,unprecedented decline显得你的词汇量更广,unprecedented = never seen before

  interpersonal communication: 我在关于LR的文章里写过,有些词汇没有同义词,如果要避免重复使用同一个单词的话,可以用collocation把这个词变得更specific,这样不仅避免了重复,还给LR部分加分,就像考官写的interpersonal communication.

  colleague, business association and close friends: 一个系列的相关词汇可以像考官展示你的词汇量(原话:lists are good way to get in lots of vocabulary to impress the examiner)

  immediate family:还是刚刚说的为了避免重复使用family,说immediate family会给LR部分加分,同时也是uncommon phrase. immediate family = close family members.

  this assertion: 用pronoun(代词)去增强句子间的衔接性,也是James在关于CC部分中提到的。

  moreover: 用cohesive device(连接词)去增强句子间的衔接性,引导读者更流畅的读下去。

  a worrying trend: 很地道很自然的一个collocation,再提一下collocation,意思是words usually go together for no reason,既然是no reason,那大家平时只能去大量积累,就像母语者不会说a concerned trend,听起来就不自然了。

  set:很好的一个uncommon word,考官原话是very complex and less commonly used language. 这里set是做形容词,和“likely”同义。也就是James说过的uncommon word不是那种高大上的词汇,而是符合英语口语写作习惯的,常用词不常用意(就像这里的set)的词汇。



  Even though face-to-face interactions are possibly at their lowest level ever, it would be foolish not to recognise the valuable role that advanced technology plays. Thanks to it, we can instantly get in touch with any individual or organization, at the touch of a button, regardless of time zone or location. For example, we can follow what our friends have been doing through social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram, therefore, the rise in communication via such methods cannot be underestimated.

  Body Paragraph 1 得分点讲解:

  even though:"cohesive device"增加句子间的衔接性,提一下考官原话说 although and even though have similar meanings, but even though is slightly stronger and is less commonly used by IELTS candidates. 学...学习了!

  face-to-face interaction: 用更精准的collocation用来替换communication. Again! 考官不喜欢repetition. 平时积累地道的同义词很重要!

  foolish: 更高级的词汇来替换"stupid", James在一篇文章中说到过,不同单词在要知道在什么场合,什么语境下,对什么人用。比如说你去查stupid的同义词,看到了retarded,觉得“哎呦~这个单词不错,我没见过,记下来下次用在写作或者口语里面。”那考官在改你的文章看到你说it would be retarded to...估计一口老血都要吐出来。(btw, go look up "retarded" if you are curious.)

  the valuable role: 很好的collocation.

  Thanks to it: 我个人也觉得有点口语化额,但是考官的原话是 "thanks to it" means "because of" or "as a result of" and is less commonly used by IELTS candidates.

  at the touch of a button: 一个俚语意思是it works extremely quickly and easily,考官说考生如果要用俚语,一定要小心,因为很容易出现使用不恰当(inaccurate)。但是这个俚语在文章中就很适合。

  have been doing:一个现在完成时,非母语者在口语和写作中正确使用高级时态会很加分。

  therefore:"cohesive device"增加句子之间的衔接性。

  such methods:指代前面说到的social media platform,增强句子之间的衔接性。

  cannot be undersestimated:被动句,展示grammatical range.



  Nevertheless, this reduced contact with our own family is a disturbing by-product of electronic communication, and could be attributed to the change in lifestyles, for the current generation. For instance, the previous generation worked in nine-to-five jobs, and went home every day to eat and chat about their day with their families. The millennials, in stark contrast, are frequently employed as digital nomads, working irregular hours, and this lack of routine results in a different way of life to our ancestors.

  Body Paragraph 2 得分点讲解

  Nevertheless: 引导读者,阐明你下面的内容要发生转折了,增加了段落间的衔接性

  disturbing: 更高级的词汇来代替worrying。

  by-product: 是“副作用”的意思,希望大家记下来哈。

  The current generation, The previous generation, The millennials, Our ancestors: 非常重要的一点!因为在雅思写作中基本上每一篇你都会提及到"people", 所以知道如何去减少重复是重要的,比如说这上面这一系列单词都是用更specific的collocation去代替people。

  in stark contrast: 比起直接说in contrast,说in stark contrast,加强句子间的衔接性的同时还展示了词汇。

  nive-to-five jobs: 意思是a job with regular working hours. 朝九晚五的工作

  digital nomads: 一个新生词,这个词汇现在在西方国家也很主流。意思是利用基于互联网上的自由职业或创业产生的收入来支持自己不收地点的生活和旅行。一个非母语者考试中用了这种词汇,考官会多impress啊,所以要多直接用英文获取知识啊!小伙伴们!

  working: 这里是一个reduced relative clause(关系从句),完整的从句是”who are working..."



  Despite communication being at its highest level, in terms of quantity, the quality of this communication is debatable. Social media updates should not replace personal contact with close family members and interactions should be encouraged by senior family members, by setting a good example to children such as not using gadgets at the dinner table and instead trying to engage with their offspring in more meaningful ways.

  Conclusion 得分点讲解:

  上面的加分项就不一个个仔细说了,大家可以发现LR加分项基本上都是uncommon words和collocation还有避免重复的词汇,这里Depsite communication being: "Despite + 动词ing"来替换Although等只有表示转折的连接词,增加段落间的衔接性的同时,在LR部分也加了分。

  这篇范文出现了准确地使用了很多uncommon words和collocations,大家一定要记得积累,然后用到自己的写作中。之前认真看过James写的文章的小伙伴应该对这些得分点都挺熟悉了,其实基本上都cover到了。有一点要说的就是,不要看范文中标出来的蓝色得分点(也就是昨天文章说到的GR部分)比较少,但是这篇范文用到了各种不同类型的句型,如果全都标出来那估计眼睛都花了。

  还有,很多得分点并不能在文字中体现出来的,比如说CC (Cohesion&Coherence), 这里两个"C"其实是不同的概念,能在文字中体现的是Cohesion,而Coherence指的是整个文章观点的连贯性,如果这两个概念还是不清楚的话,还是再看一下这两篇文章:

  关于Cohesion:“写作中最容易出错的部分,竟然是...”;关于Coherence: “为什么作文观点好,还是得不到高分?”

  给大家分享今天的内容还有一个非常重要的目的就是:Proofreading! 千万不要每次练习写作,觉得写完了就算了,一定要改!怎么改?根据四个评分标准来改,就像今天给大家分享的内容一样,写完后看看自己的文章中有哪些basic的词汇能用更高级的词汇替换?是否有些单词出现太频繁?高级词汇用的准不准确?词汇之间搭配对不对?有没有合理准确地使用连接词?观点表达连不连贯?有没有用上不同的句式?有没有出现语法问题?是否跑题?等等... 只有通过这样的方式,你才能够有目的性的提高你的写作分数,而不是像无头苍蝇一样,什么课都上了一点,什么资料都看了一点,但是分数还是那样,还浪费了那么多宝贵的时间。


  Enjoy the video!


        以上就是新航道南京雅思培训机构小编分享的雅思9分作文! 雅思考官打分流程解析的全部内容,希望能帮助到大家,更多有关雅思考试的问题,可以咨询新航道老师哦!

【本文标签】: 南京雅思培训| 南京托福培训| 南京sat培训| 新航道雅思| 新航道托福|

【责任编辑】:南京新航道小编 版权所有:转载请注明出处







