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2023年4月8日雅思大作文示范写作 | 举办国际体育赛事的利弊

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2023年4月8日雅思大作文示范写作 | 举办国际体育赛事的利弊

  Some people think hosting major international sports events brings a lot of advantages to a country, while others believe there are more disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  【解析】这次考试题目比较简单,且跟去年7月中旬的一场考试题目高度相似(见下文)。甚至,去年7月这场考试,审题时需注意,对于利弊的两个立场还有限制(好处只能写“文化融合”,坏处只能写「浪费花在其他地方的钱」); 这次考试题目只问了「对一个国家的利弊」,可写的范围更大,包含了去年这场考试的范畴,也给考生规避了跑题风险。


  2022.07.16 Some believe that the Olympic Games help bring people from different nations together, while others claim that holding the Olympics wastes money that could be used for other important issues. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



  It is not a rare case that an enormous number of rich countries apply for hosting large-scale sports events like the Olympic Games. While some argue that it is a waste of money, I entertain the view that it is a perfect chance for the union of diverse cultures.


  体育相关的双边讨论。注意:论述双边时,都必须论证“奥运会如何把大家聚一起”以及“奥运会为什么是浪费钱”,不是讨论各自利弊。相关话题:(1)Some people think that sport has an important role in our society. Others, however, feel that it is nothing more than a leisure activity. DBG.(2)Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?(3)Some people believe that competitive sports, such as football, could bring people from different countries and cultures together. Others believe that competitiveness of those sports cause some problems. DBG.

  Ø entertain vt. 持有,怀有

  Ø union n.[U] 联合,合并;结合

  Body 1

  It is justifiable for some to reckon that holding the Olympic Games may incur a budget deficit especially for those relatively underdeveloped nations. This is mainly because a colossal sum of money, which should have been allotted to other essential fields for the social soundness, has to be allocated to not only constructing a vast number of required sports facilities, such as the stadium, but also providing athletes with accommodation and other amenities. Such newly-built facilities may be less useful and thus seem to be a waste of money, especially when the basic needs of the locals are not well satisfied. // However, those facilities can actually be converted to the places where local residents spend their leisure time on regular exercises, which, in the long term, can guarantee their physical well-being and thus alleviate the burden on the healthcare sector. Meanwhile, such events spur the local tourism, from which the income gathered can to some extent offset the prior costs.


  让步-浪费钱:较落后的国家办奥运会 → 大量的财力建设设施 → 设施不实用,不能满足国民的基本需求(浪费钱)// 反驳:保持人们身体健康,长远来讲,缓解医疗的压力 & 办奥运会带来的经济效益

  Ø incur vt. 招致(贬)

  Ø deficit n.[C] 逆差,亏损,赤字,不足额

  Ø colossal adj. 巨大的

  Ø allot…to… vt. 分配…到…

  Ø soundness n.[U] 稳定

  Ø allocate…to…vt. 分配…到…

  Ø amenity n.[C] 福利设施

  Ø convert vt. 转变

  Ø well-being n.[U] 健康

  Ø alleviate vt. 缓解

  Ø spur vt. 促进

  Ø offset vt. 弥补

  Body 2

  As a matter of fact, behind the Olympics is the fusion of diverse cultures. For starters, as the Game is hosted in turn by different countries worldwide, it is a perfect platform for the host country to present their own culture to the whole world through various ways from pre-game propaganda to the opening ceremony. By this way people with different backgrounds can gain a glimpse into the culture of the host country, which thus further eliminates the cultural misunderstanding. / Besides, due to the fondness of the sports and athletes, sports fans who share the common ground, regardless of their nationalities, will be more inclined to learn the cultures and nations where the sportsmen come from. This is the ideal of holding the Olympics – forming a more harmonious and peaceful global village.


  立论:(1)办奥运会 → 给世界展示主办国的文化 → 消除文化隔阂;(2)办奥运会 → 促进有相同爱好的观众交流 → 更和谐的文化融合

  Ø fusion n. 融合

  Ø propaganda n. 宣传

  Ø eliminate vt. 消除

  Ø common ground n. 共同爱好


  Generally speaking, rarely does hosting the Olympic Games waste the money, and instead it brings people from diverse countries together.



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