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简单易懂——15个简单短语帮助你提高雅思大作文band score

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  简单易懂——15个简单短语帮助你提高雅思大作文band score。雅思写作有没有经常感觉会词穷呢?很多小伙伴和学长反映都说: 写来写去就是那么几句话,雅思大作文总是花好长时间组织语言怎么办?有没有很简单的又能提分的方法呢?今天来自UCL Nadia学姐为大家带来了15个最常用的、简单、而且又万用的词组短语,帮助各位同学解决各种词穷的问题。

简单易懂——15个简单短语帮助你提高雅思大作文band score

  1. Nowadays

       Nowadays作为打开话题的常用语,一直被各类老师学生反反复复使用;尤其是在文章开头introduction中,颇受各位同学们的青睐。它可以作为介绍背景的开头词,迅速打开文章的话题,以便让我们把内容转移到我们的position上。例如:Nowadays, many young people are choosing to study abroad…

  2. I would argue that

       说到position,很多同学会问我, “什么叫文章的position”。其实在这里position指的就是我们的意见、my opinion。这一点在雅思写作中十分重要,在大作文中,我们的一件事需要贯穿全文,并且在文章开头和结尾都要有呈现出来的!相比反复的说In my opinion,我们可以说I would argue that…例如:While some people believe …, I would argue that …In conclusion, I would argue that …

  3. In spite of

       In spite of 和 although 有一点点地相似,有尽管、虽然的意思,我们通常用 in spite of 来关联两个逻辑上不太相通的观点。Nidia提醒大家,注意这里的of。和“of”组合的两种情况,一种:of +名词;另一种:of + 动名词(动词+Ing)。同时我们也可以连接“the fact that…”,也就是以 “In spite of the fact that” 从句的方式完成句子。例如:

  In spite of higher tuition fees, many young people still choose to study abroad.

  In spite of being more expensive, many young people still choose to study abroad.

  In spite of the fact that it is more expensive, many young people still choose to study abroad.

  4. For instance

        同学们知不知道在大作文写作中,最简单实用的一种强化观点的方法其实就是举例子。然而相比反复的使用for example,我们还可以用for instance,让我们的措辞稍微灵活一些。例如:There are many reasons why I would leave my family, for instance…

  5. Due to

        Due to的使用其实和because差不多,都是在我们提出一个原因的时候会用到的短语。然而有的时候使用due to可以让我们在语法上得到更高的分数,这是因为我们在使用Due to开头的时候,我们把一个简单的句子打破成了一个复杂句式,这让我们在语法的多样性上可以取得更高的评价。例如:Due to the recent labor strike, many people had to adopt other means of transport.

  6. By contrast

       有一点点像however,我们可以用by contrast做段落的开头,或者把两句话的内容连接到一起In England, young people will pay around 9000 pounds to go to university. By contrast, non-EU students will need to pay around 21,000 pounds depending on the courses.

  7. As a result of


  As a result of the increased tuition fees, fewer young people are able to afford a university education.

  Fewer young people are able to afford a university education as a result of the increased tuition fees.

  8. ensure

       一个略微带一点点学术语气的make sure,可以代替你的一切 “确保“,让你的句子变得更。

  例如:Young people should ensure that their language abilities are good enough before going abroad to study.

  9. enable

      类似于上面的ensure, enable是一种表达to be able的说法,在我们的作文中我们可以这样说:

  例如:Getting a scholarship can enable young people from poorer backgrounds to have a chance to enjoy higher education.

  10. hence


  例如:Tuition fees have more than trebled in the last few years, hence, many young people are considering going straight to work after finishing high school.

  11. lack

       在我们尝试说缺乏、缺少的时候,不要只想到not enough,我们可以说lack。我们可以直接用动词的形式来表达lack,或者我们可以用名词的lack of …

  例如:He perhaps just lacks the skill of management to become the leader of a group.

  12. invaluable

        Invaluable 意味着 is very valuable。在我们形容某件事非常关键、非常重要;或者价值无与伦比的时候,我们可以说invaluable。例如:

  The education that students received at university is invaluable.

  Your help is invaluable.

  13. paramount

        类似于invaluable,paramount是用来形容某事非常重要的。类似于very important。但是学姐建议各位在写作里用一用就好啦,口语中paramount有一点偏正式、书面,口语中用的话听起来会有一些不太舒服哦。


  Education is paramount to a successful career.

  It is of paramount importance that the government should…

  14. significant



  A significant proportion of the population cannot afford to buy a house without government support.

  There has been a significant effort to reduce carbon emission.

  15. If

        最后一个没有想到吧,没错就是if!很多同学会说了,if这东西有什么需要讲的吗,小学生都会用!诶,这个小小的if里,可是有着写作中拿高分的小技巧哦~ if可以让我们以条件句的基础来组织一个句子。而条件句,例如下方例句,往往都是以复杂句的结构呈现的。也就是说,我们在考试的时候,使用一个类似的条件句,可以丰富我们的语法结构使用;而一个完整的没有错的复杂句,在写作语法评分中是以6分为基础,7分为标准呈现的。现在同学们明白为什么要有if了吧~

  例如:If the government provides scholarships and financial aid, more young people will be able to attend university.


       以上就是新航道南京雅思辅导班小编分享的简单易懂——15个简单短语帮助你提高雅思大作文band score的全部内容,希望能帮助到大家,更多有关雅思考试的问题,欢迎咨询新航道老师。

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