不过不少同学发愁:那我到哪去找这些习语呢?不用担心,新航道南京雅思培训机构小编为大家总结了35组能在雅思口语中使用的习语,并且为大家配了例句,这些例句适当修改可以直接在考场上使用哦~快来一起看看吧 !
◆英文释义: do something as fast as possible and try to finish it before a certain time.
◆例句: With my term paper due on Monday, I was racing against the clock to finish it.
◆英文释义: to listen carefully and in a friendly way to someone.
◆例句: When I have any problems, my friend will always lend a sympathetic ear.
◆中文释义: 对某人或某事产生不满、愤怒或失望的情绪。
◆英文释义: the emotion of being upset or offended.
◆例句: We were enemies once, but there are no hard feelings between us now.
◆英文释义: not too late, but very close.
◆例句: We got there just in the nick of time.
5. give it one’s best shot
◆英文释义: do the best that one can.
◆例句: The test question is really tough and I’ll give it my best shot.
◆英文释义: in difficulty; in trouble or a dangerous situation.
◆例句: He has not submitted his dissertation so he’s in deep water.
◆英文释义: practical and realistic; Back to reality.
◆例句: It’s time we were brought down to earth to figure out a difficult situation, and offer a good solution.
◆英文释义: do everything you can to achieve/succeed something.
◆例句: My dream is to become a successful businessman and I will work hard for it at all costs.
◆英文释义: start before all others.
◆例句: This year we’ll get a head start on the competition by running more advertisements.
◆英文释义: the final stimulus that aggravates the situation.
◆例句: The last straw was when I heard someone humming behind me.
◆英文释义: means something will happen regardless of any difficulties.
◆例句: I will be on time for the class, rain or shine.
◆英文释义: very happy; deliriously happy.
◆例句: She just bought her first new car and she’s on cloud nine.
◆例句: I am totally bushed after staying up so late.
◆例句: After a while I’d realize it was late and decided to hit the hay.
5. fresh out of something
◆英文释义: have used up the last of something.
◆例句: We’re fresh out of oranges.
◆英文释义: to cost very little.
◆例句: I went to the new discount store and bought these new shoes for only 50 rmb. That’s next to nothing!
7. to be up in arms about something
◆英文释义: angry about something.
◆例句: She has been up in arms about the rent increase.
◆英文释义: eager and ready to listen.
◆例句: I’m all ears, waiting to hear his latest excuse for not getting this job done!
◆英文释义: something that you say before you give the most important fact of a situation.
◆例句: At the end of the day, he’ll still have to make his own decision.
◆英文释义: investigate every possible means to find a solution to a given problem or to achieve the desired outcome.
◆例句: We need to explore all avenues before doing something that is not very safe to a great number of people in order to minimize unfavourable consequences.
◆英文释义: nervous about what is going to happen next.
◆例句: I’ve been on tenterhooks all week waiting for the results.
2. keep the wolf from the door
◆中文释义: 指通过努力或节俭的方式维持基本的生活需求
◆英文释义: have just enough money to buy food/essentials.
◆例句: My grandparents were not rich. In fact, they barely had enough money to keep the wolf from the door.
◆英文释义: active and aware of things.
◆例句: We need someone who’s really on the ball to answer questions from the press.
◆英文释义: give up on something.
◆例句: I’ve spent too much time on this project to throw in the towel now.
◆英文释义: a person who is lively, active and healthy.
◆例句: I really enjoy being with my best friend because he is always full of beans.
◆英文释义: to encourage someone generally in an unintelligent way.
◆例句: He continued rash driving while he was being egged on by his friends.
◆英文释义: to do something difficult that one is apprehensive about.
◆例句: Since he was the bread winner of the house, he had to bit the bullet and take that job.
8. by the skin of one’s teeth
◆中文释义: 形容某人在极度危险的情况下侥幸逃脱。
◆例句: I was saved by my friend by the skin of my teeth from the rushing car.
◆中文释义: 指在争论或决策中保持中立,不表态或不采取任何一方的立场。
◆英文释义: be indecisive about something.
◆例句: He sat on the fence for a week and still couldn’t come to any conclusion.
◆英文释义: find an exact solution to a problem.
◆例句: All of them were drained and about to leave when Alexis came with an idea that nailed on the head.
◆英文释义: to denote something impossible.
◆例句: My mother thought I would sit to prepare for my exam when the pigs fly.
12. chip off the old block
◆中文释义: 形容一个人与他的父母或长辈在性格、行为等方面非常相似。
◆英文释义: When a person appears just after his/her name was mentioned.
◆例句: Their son was just a chip off the old block with blue eyes of his father and a smile that bore resemblance to his mother.
◆英文释义: to have to accept the unpleasant consequences of your actions.
◆例句: These people will have to face the music.
◆英文释义: to do something immediately and without hesitation.
◆例句: I don’t like to speak in public, but my friend will get up on stage at the drop of a hat.
◆英文释义: to do something wrong.
◆例句: I realised that I hit a false note on the exam when I received a 0 mark afterwards.