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南京国际学校加试真题 | 第19期:浅谈阅读之目的题

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南京国际学校加试真题 | 第19期:浅谈阅读之目的题


  The author mentions tulip growing in New Netherlands, Pennsylvania. and Michigan in order to illustrate how

  (A) imported tulips were considered more valuable than locally grown tulips

  (B) tulips were commonly passed as gifts from one family to another

  (C) tulips grew progressively more popular in North America

  (D) attitudes toward tulips varied from one location to another


  目的题,顾名思义,指问作者提及某一信息的目的是什么,通常提及的信息指的是文中的事例。该题型的题目指示词通常有:in order to, why, the reason why, for等。

  因此这题问的是 “作者提及郁金香生长在New Netherlands, Pennsylvania. and Michigan是为了说明如何”;


  A tenuous line marked the advance of the tulip to the New World, where it was unknown in the wild. The first Dutch colonies in North America had been established in New Netherlands by the Dutch West India Company in 1624, and one individual who settled in New Amsterdam (today's Manhattan section of New York City) in 1642 described the flowers that bravely colonized the settlers' gardens. They were the same flowers seen in Dutch still-life paintings of the time: crown imperials, roses, carnations, and of course tulips. They flourished in Pennsylvania too, where in 1698 William Penn received a report of John Tateham's "Great and Stately Palace," its garden full of tulips. By 1760, Boston newspapers were advertising 50 different kinds of mixed tulip "roots." But the length of the journey between Europe and North America created many difficulties. Thomas Hancock, an English settler, wrote thanking his plant supplier for a gift of some tulip bulbs from England, but his letter the following year grumbled that they were all dead.

  Tulips arrived in Holland, Michigan, with a later wave of early nineteenth-century Dutch immigrants who quickly colonized the plains of Michigan. Together with many other Dutch settlements, such as the one at Pella, Iowa, they established a regular demand for European plants. The demand was bravely met by a new kind of tulip entrepreneur, the traveling salesperson. One Dutchman, Hendrick van der Schoot, spent six months in 1849 traveling through the United States taking orders for tulip bulbs. While tulip bulbs were traveling from Europe to the United States to satisfy the nostalgic longings of homesick English and Dutch settlers, North American plants were traveling in the opposite direction. In England, the enthusiasm for American plants was one reason why tulips dropped out of fashion in the gardens of the rich and famous.

  由此我们从这些例子往前找得到语句(作者观点):A tenuous line marked the advance of the tulip to the New World...即“曲折的路线标记了郁金香来到新世界的路线…”。

  紧接着我们来浏览选项,发现C:tulips grew progressively more popular in North America“郁金香在北美变得越来越普及”符合文意,答案选C。



  1. 精读题目,提取关键词;

  2. 根据关键词定位关键句;

  3. 找出关键句对应的作者观点;

  4. 回到选项,识别同义替换。


  One innovative approach to these issues involves studying damage and wear on stone tools. Researchers make tools that replicate excavated specimens as closely as possible and then try to use them as the originals might have been used, in woodcutting, hunting, or cultivation. Depending on how the tool is used, characteristic chippage patterns and microscopically distinguishable polishes develop near the edges. The first application of this method of analysis to stone tools that are 1.5 million to 2 million years old indicates that, from the start, an important function of early stone tools was to extract highly nutritious food — meat and marrow — from large animal carcasses.

  Fossil bones with cut marks caused by stone tools have been discovered lying in the same 2-million-year-old layers that yielded the oldest such tools and the oldest hominid specimens (including humans) with larger than ape-sized brains. This discovery increases scientists' certainty about when human ancestors began to eat more meat than present-day nonhuman primates.

  But several questions remain unanswered: how frequently meat eating occurred; what the social implications of meat eating were; and whether the increased use of meat coincides with the beginnings of the use of home bases.

  The author mentions "characteristic chippage patterns" in line 16 as an example of

  (A) decorations cut into wooden objects

  (B) differences among tools made of various substances

  (C) impressions left on prehistoric animal bones

  (D) indications of wear on stone tools


【本文标签】: 南京雅思培训| 南京托福培训| 南京sat培训| 新航道雅思| 新航道托福|

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