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雅思口语范文dream job when you were a child

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2017-03-09 09:21



雅思口语范文dream job when you were a child


  Ok, well when I was a child, probably one of my biggest ambitions was to become a professional footballer, which, I should admit, was a bit of a ridiculous dream to have, considering my football skills at the time were by no means great. But still, that’s what I wanted to be, at least until common sense got the better of me!

  And as for how I first became interested in a career as a footballer, well, I guess it was mainly because I always used to play football at school with my classmates, and whenever I scored a goal, it always gave me a really great feeling. So I often used to imagine playing in front of thousands of people in a packed-out stadium and scoring the winning goal, and I would play this in my mind over and over again, which is probably also what a lot of other kids my age did as well.

  But anyway, the other thing that appealed to me about being a footballer was that I wouldn’t have to do any more academic work, like reading books or writing stuff, which wasn’t my idea of fun at all, so being able to play football as a job, and get paid for it seemed like a really great choice!

  Unfortunately, though, even though I practiced a lot, my football skills never really got to the level that they would need to be if I was gonna have any chance of being a professional footballer, so in the end, I reluctantly gave up on the idea, and instead decided to focus on things which were a bit more realistic.

  So in the end, it just wasn’t to be, but I’m still very happy with the way things have turned out, as I’ve discovered a lot of other exciting and interesting things which, I can safely say, I’m much more suited to doing!


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