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雅思口语 - Social networking

来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2021-09-07 17:13



如今在雅思口语中,mass media, social networking, celebrities都是频频出现的话题。说到这些话题时,很多小伙伴很容易就想到“喷子”“网红”这类中文热词。但是放在英语里,我们应该怎么描述呢?


网络喷子 - internet troll, online troll


There’s a growing number of internet trolls because many people are under the impression that they can say anything online and get away with it. Social networking sites allow them to make up screen names/usernames that are not linked to their real-world identity. Therefore, they feel comfortable posting the most offensive comments.

be under the impression that....以为,认为

get away with ……(做了坏事而)逃避掉或不受责罚

screen names 网名

post comments 发评论

offensive 侵犯的,使人恼怒的

If you consider yourself to be pretty active on social media or other types of online communities, you may have experienced what many internet users call "internet trolls" or “being trolled.” Being trolled, or the act of trolling is something we all have to deal with increasingly as the Internet becomes more social.


troll还可以做动词,来表示在网上“喷”他人;如果是“被喷”,则可以用被动形式be trolled。

Now that almost anyone can comment on a status update, reply to a tweet, converse in a community thread or send an anonymous question, online trolls are absolutely everywhere. Instagram is especially bad because it's a very public platform that people use to post photos of themselves – inviting everyone and anyone to judge their appearances in the comment section.

status update 状态更新

community thread 社区群

anonymous 匿名的

judge 评论,评判

comment section 评论区

Trolls can hide behind their computers, screen names and avatars when they go out trolling for trouble, and after they’re all done, they can carry on with their real lives without facing any real consequences.

screen names 网名

avatars 化身

carry on with 继续

网红 - (internet) influencer, social media influencer, internet celebrity, cyber celebrity 

Social media influencers are creating a new class of celebrities. They may not come from the entertainment industries like traditional celebrities, but many of them have millions of fans and some of them have found a way to translate those massive followings into millions of dollars each year. 

entertainment industries 娱乐圈

translate …into…将…转化为……

massive followings 巨大的粉丝量

Sponsored content on social media is familiar to most audiences, brands and creators by now, and it remains one of the top ways in which (internet) influencers make money. 

sponsored content 推广内容

remain 仍然是,依旧是

Internet influencers have great appeal as personalities and celebrities, not just as social media accounts. Large influencers might appear on television commercials or on billboards advertising products. 

appeal 吸引力

account 账户,用户

television commercials 电视广告

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