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南京新航道 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语人物类话题汇总


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2017-04-21 15:43


    Intro: The person I enjoy talking with is my university classmate Song, who was in the same classroom and the same dorm with me during the unforgettable four years study in NanJing. Since we looked very alike each other and went to our cafeteria side by side, many people thought we were twins. Indeed, we are buddies all the time.
    As we(share many same interests )have a lot of things in common with each other, we often talk about anything (when we are available ,sometimes on MSN, and sometimes over our mobile phones)whenever we want. Topics are from study to work, from sports to girls. Our favorite topic is football. We often share and exchange our ideas about one game on the line while we are watching it. Every time when we chat, we forget the time.(交谈的原因,内容,目的)
    Another reason I enjoy talking with him is due to his good personality. Song is the person I can always rely on and trust. I told him every secret I had when I felt happy or felt down, then he shared my happiness and sadness with me. He is never jealous of me when I am in luck, and never turn his back on me when I am in trouble (adversity).I still remember how patiently and hardly he comforted me on the day I broke up with my girlfriend. I was so grateful for the words he told me: don’t be so sad. There is another better girl waiting for you. (个人品质介绍,引出的故事)
    In a word, song is not only a good talking partner, but a good listener, a trustworthy guy. Having him as my buddy is my luck! It is just like the saying: a faithful friend is hard to find知音难觅(评价)
    1. 描述一个你想共度时光的人( Describe a person you would spend time with )
    2. 描述一个家访的人--P2an occasion when someone visited ur home P3别人去你家住家里还是酒店好/酒店员工应该接受哪些training/酒店应该提供哪些设施和服务/国家应该怎么做让外国游客觉得自己被welcome/世界那么多国家怎么能了解每个国家的文化
    3.描述你最近遇到的一个有趣的人/一个你的一见如故的人/好久未见的好朋友/你次见过的一个朋友( describe an interesting person person/ good friend who are not seen for a long time of yours /aclose friend you first met ) ( part 3问到了跟父母相处重要 还是跟朋友相处重要? 怎样交朋友。。朋友之间最重要的是什么?
    4. (老题)---描述一教你有用技能的人( Describe a person taught you sth useful/skill). Part3 问的教育孩子什么品质? 比较少家长应该教孩子什么应该教小孩什么样的4 技能?小孩学东西的非常好的方式是什么?
    5. 老题,可转family member)---描述一个你尊重的老人/幸福的老人/一个你想一起谈话的老人/描述一个老人(describeold person you know and respect )(Part3 问到了老年人对于一个家庭的作用?老年人有实际意义上的帮助么?为什么中国会有很多老年人来做重要的工作(比如医生),中国退休年龄问题?
    6.描述一你们国家的名人( A famous person in your country )part 3如何变的有名,有名后有什么变化,什么人喜欢出名,出名后对家人的影响…?
    7. 描述一个帮助过你的陌生人( Describe a time when a stranger helped you )

【本文标签】: 南京雅思培训| 南京托福培训| 南京sat培训| 新航道雅思| 新航道托福|

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