1. What are you studying?
2. Do you have higher education?
3. What do you like about your studies?
4. How often do you use English?
5. What languages can you speak?
6. What subject would you like to study at university?
7. When does the academic year begin?
8. Have you ever lectured at university? Can you tell me about it?
9. Have you ever done a research? What was you research on?
10. What's your field of study?
11. What do you find difficult about your field of study?
12. What do you like about it?
13. What subjects will you take whan you go to university?
14. Which courses are you doing this term?
15. How do you find them?
16. How's your course going?
17. How many modules does the course consist of?
18. How many other credits do you need to complete this course?
19. Do you think you're going to do them successfully?
20. Which exams do you usually find difficult?
1、Describe a foreign city/ country you’d like to visit
2、Describe an interesting shop
3、Describe a workplace
4、Describe a hotel/restaurant
5、Describe a historic site
6、Describe a nature beauty
7、Describe your ideal house
8、Describe a park/garden
9、Describe a special street
10、Describe a river/lake
11、Describe a place near the water
姻亲关系,嫡戚关系affinity 别名alias
大家庭extended family 祖先,先辈ancestry
祖先ancestors,forebears,forefathers 支,系branch
中文名Chinese name 氏族clan
单亲家庭single-parent family 传统观念traditional ideas 代沟generation gap 堂兄(妹),表亲cousin
血缘consanguinity,blood relationship 后代,后辈descent,offspring 后代,晚辈descendants 英文名English name 家庭生活family life 家谱family tree
姓family name,surname 代generation
血亲kinsmen by blood 姻亲kinsmen by affinity 宗族,世系lineage 我家my family 我家人my people 近亲next of kin
昵称,绰号nickname 贵族出身of noble birth 平民出身of humble birth 出身origin 笔名pen name 种族race,breed
亲属relations,relatives,kinfolk,kin 名second name,given name 艺名stage name
1. Someone you would like to spend time with
2. An old person you respect
3. a person who is good at his/her job
4. A school friend
5. a teenager
6. a family you are familiar with (not your own)
7. A person you helped
8. a well-known person