雅思口语part 2该怎么准备?很多雅思考生在备考雅思口语Part 2 ,最喜欢的一件事情就是合题,用一个素材讲很多个题,这是一种非常省力且高效的方法,但是你真的会合题吗?
很多烤鸭在合题的时候会出现生搬硬套的情况,并没有保持每个题所具有的独特性。分别以一个人物类的题目和一个地点类的题目举例子来说一下Part 2 究竟该怎样合题。下面新航道小编给大家讲解。
雅思口语part 2该怎么准备1
2017 年5-8 月份人物类的一个旧题describe a family member who made you proud,有很多学生会选择跟另外一个很类似的题describe a family member who has a greatinfluence on you 合题。
这两个题的重点一个是proud 一个是influence。有些学生可能会选择grandpa,说grandpa 非常knowledgeable 让自己感觉很骄傲,这个还可以说得通,但有些学生接下来就会很生硬地说grandpa 对我影响很大,但是自始至终没有提出来影响究竟是什么。
It was my grandpa who brought me up as my parents were busy with work when I was a kid. Different from most grandparents in my country who would usually buy toys for their grandchildren, my grandpa bought me a lot of books at that time.
I heard from my mom that my grandpa has been fond of reading since he was very young. So I was gradually influenced by him. Till now, I still keep the habit of reading as long as I have spare time.
And I do suppose that having read so many books is the main reason why my grandpa could be so knowledgeable. It seems that my grandpa can solve all my problems whenever I ask him for help.
That's why I regard him as my superhero. I always feel so proud of my grandpa whenever I talk about him with my friends.
这样一来,既论述了grandpa 对我有什么影响-- 爱读书的习惯,又论述了我为什么以他为傲-- 似乎能帮我解决所有问题。所以这样的话两个题可以完全合并。
雅思口语part 2该怎么准备2
2017 年5-8 月份地点类旧题describe a cafe you like to visit, 有很多考生会选择跟另外两个地点类旧题进行合并,一个是describe a shop recently opened in your hometown, 另外一个是describe a quiet place you visited. 这三个题都可以去讲一个咖啡店,但是强调重点还是有所不同。
咖啡店这个题本身可以有很多内容去谈;但是另外两个题强调的重点分别是recently opened 和quiet。
It was opened like several months ago, and I found it by accident while I was waiting for a friend.
As it is a newly-opened coffee shop and the price of the coffee there is quite reasonable, I would keep going there in the future and recommend it to more friends.
As this coffee shop is located in a quiet corner, few people know this place. Whenever I go there, I can see people doing some reading or surfing the internet instead of talking very loudly with their friends like people in other coffee shops. This is quite helpful for me to focus on what I'm doing.
总而言之,雅思口语part 2该怎么准备?提醒各位烤鸭,针对Part 2 合题这个问题,千万不要大意,素材可以采取相同的,但是一定要扣题,千万别草草合题被考官识别出来,就题论题适当添加一些special 的点进一步扣题是很重要的。