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来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2021-05-17 17:01




  试想你在加拿大一家咖啡店打工,当一个顾客询问你关于某种蛋糕的情况时,如果仅有简简单单的一句“It’s sweet and very delicious.”是根本无法打动人的,顾客很可能直接忽略掉你的回答并且掉头就走。而此时,你更需要的是向顾客详细地描述一下它的口味,里面添加了什么值得一的材料,比如加了葡萄干还是巧克力豆,还有吃到嘴里首先会有什么感觉,之后又会怎么样,这些细节加起来会完美呈现一块蛋糕的特色,而你的顾客则可能会因为你的描述中有某些他本身喜欢的东西而决定多买一块。再比如,一家通讯商的店员不可能只跟顾客介绍一款手机的牌子,颜色,而是应该从规格性能,介绍到与众不同的特色,比如防水等。当然如果在考试中,考生可视情况而决定到底应该描述到哪种程度。当然,无论如何,你的回答中都要包括细节和重点,以及必不 可少的与生活的联系。所以本文就针对电子产品话题做一分析。

  当然,现在的考题较五年前有了更多的变化,比如题目的陈述更多样化和抽象化。举例来说,an electronic product/equipment you have、an equipment that you cannot live without、a useful product in your life等,这些题目看起来都很抽象,但抽象题目的好处就在于我们可以把握它们之间的共性,从而“一题多用”。也就是所谓的用同样的内容回答不同的题,省时又省力。只不过考生需要把握的是在不同题目之间进行灵活转换,转移重点。所以,在这里新航道南京雅思学校老师就以单反相机(Digital Single-lens Reflex Camera)为例,进行详解。

  首先,单反相机看起来似乎只属于电子产品,而要说它是你生活中不能缺少的一样设备貌似有些牵强。其实不然,考生完全可以把单反相机描述为对你有极其重要意义的物品,突出自身的兴趣爱好,从而让考官感觉到你对摄影的热爱,对一件事的激情和坚持。接下来,就要进行客观描述了。刚才讲到,在介绍电子产品时,非常好要从基本信息,规格,到特色都有重点有细节地描述一下,从而让考官对物品有一个更直观的印象。单反相机的基本信息包括:品牌,如Canon、Nikon、Fuji、Samsung等;型号,如EOS 6D、Sony a99等。此类信息具有高考生回答真实性的作用,不会引起考官对你真实性的质疑。至于规格,我们可选取重要的,对你表达的主要内容和观点有帮助的方面来表达。假如你想突出的是相机的高分辨率,那你需要的就是把它的分辨率说出来,其他与之无关的则不必特别备注。而关于相机的特色,应该是整个介绍过程的重点,比如防水(water-proof),或是黑暗中不用闪光灯的条件下自动调光(handles incredible low-light shooting without a flash),这都可以算是你单反相机的亮点。当然描述完物品的概况我们需要注意到的是,在题目要求的最后,往往有一问要求考生解释“为什么”,比如为什么喜欢,为什么重要,为什么离不开它,为什么经常使用等,这就需要考生们想办法用自身的经验,生活中的故事,甚至是朋友的经验来突出这个相机对你的重要性,期间不要忘记抓住一到两个重点用故事或经验来阐释。


  Describe an electronic device that you have such as a CD player (not a computer or mobile phone).

  You should say:

  what it is

  how you use it

  when you use it

  and explain how you benefit (or will benefit) from using it.

  Ok, the product that I’d like to mention is a Digital Single-lens Reflex Camera that my dad bought to me as a graduation gift. It’s a Canon EOS 70D. Honestly, I barely know anything about photography, and it’s never one of my hobbies. But since I’ve t his DSLR, I think I have to use it. Then I know that it has quite a od performance and specification, like a vari-angle LCD Monitor which is definitely able to shoot stills or movies from unique or awkward angles, and of course, fast continuous shooting that allows me to capture the briefest moments. This indeed encouraged me to use it as much as possible. So I take it with me whenever there’s chance to take pictures. Namely, I take it when I hang out with friends, I take it to my trips at weekends, and of course I also take it to the wedding ceremony of my cousin. And on that occasion I t to know a girl majoring in photography, loving photography and wishing to have photography as her permanent career. We had a happy and interesting talk and I was totally shocked by her passion and complete devotion to photography. I did""t quite understand her at that time though she showed me many rgeous and magical photos she took which are just like those can be found on the internet. Hearing what I think she invited me to on a photography trip with her on a Saturday. We actually climbed a local mountain where I used to work out when I’m free. I can’t help doubting because I can’t know this mountain more. As far as I know, there’s nothing special that worth being taken. She did""t talk much, just kept taking pictures all the way to the top. When I couldn’t stand that situation any longer she showed her photos to me. And I was amazed. When I saw the flowers, they weren’t the flowers I thought they should be. When I saw the pine trees, they were just a lot more adorable than what I know. When I saw the sky, I finally noticed how many diverse shapes the clouds can change to. Then I realised how little I knew about the world, the environment we live. And they are just worth being noticed more and praised more than we used to. Finally, I t to know the real fun and value of photography. Probably it’s not the truth of photography to all photographers, but I believe to see, to care and to love the world indeed adds the value of photography. Therefore, ever since from that day, I care more, love to see more, and I’m passion about finding out the beauty around us.



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