剑桥雅思Test1口语Part3话题-Famous people
以下所有内容,均来自新航道雅思真题全解5.part2范文,请点击:剑5Test1口语Part2范文:A well-known person you like or admire 。part1范文,请点击:剑桥雅思5Test1口语Part1范文-Your country
1. What kind of people become famous people these days?
题目分析 考生 需要 谈论 哪些 领域 的 人们 容易 被 大家 所 熟知, 例如 商界、 政界 精英, 或者 体育 明星 等。
参考 回答 1
In my country, the most famous people are politicians and businessmen. You can see them on TV and read about them in newspapers. Sometimes, they even allow magazines to come to their homes and take photographs, so readers can see how they live and what furniture they have.
参考回答 2 The people of my country are big sports fans. The most famous people at the moment are the members of our football team who played in the World Cup. They didn’ t win, but people really admire them and want to know everything about them.Actors and actresses from TV series are also very famous.
2. Is this different from the kind of achievement that made people famous in the past? In what way?
题目分析 考生 需 注意 使用 过去时 或 现在 完成时。 明星 的 出现 体现 的 是一 个 时代 热点 的 转换, 例如 商界 人士、 娱乐 明星 在当 今 时代 更容易 受人 瞩目。
参考回答 1 I think that politicians have been famous in my country for a long time, but I think that businessmen becoming famous is a new thing. Many people want to have their own business and are keen to find out how they became successful.
参考回答 2 In the past, communications weren’ t as good as today, so it was more difficult to become famous. To be honest, I can’ t even name any famous people from my country’ s past, other than political leaders.
3. How do you think people will become famous in the future?
题目 分析 考生 需 注意 使用 将来 时态。 你 可以 使用 一些 虚拟 语气, 如 could、 might 等; 也可以 使用 表达 可能 性的 词语, 如 probably、 possibly 等。
参考回答 1 I think that political leaders will always be famous. Perhaps other people will become famous for helping the environment, but more likely they will become famous for winning a competition on TV, like American Idol.
参考回答 2 I think that people in the entertainment field will have the best chances of becoming famous. I know this is already true in America and other countries, but in my country the entertainment industry has only just started to develop. I think we will have some international singing and acting stars in the future.
4. What are the good things about being famous? Are there any disadvantages?
题目 分析 回答 这一 题 时 考生 应 正反 两面 均 涉及 到, 如果 你 只 给出 正面 的 简短 回答, 考官 会 继续 追问 你。
参考回答 1 I think the best thing about being famous is that you usually get lots of money, which you can use to buy a big house, nice car, and so on. The problem of being famous is that the media is constantly watching you. That puts them under a lot of pressure.
参考回答 2 Being famous can be difficult, because you will probably have to go to many meetings and do interviews with the media. However, I think it must be great to know that so many people like you and respect what you have achieved. Everyone wants recognition for what they do.
5. How does the media in your country treat famous people?
题目分析 媒体 对于 名人 一向 是 热衷 追 捧 的, 这也 是 媒体 提高 影响力 的 手段。 回答 这一 题 时, 考生 可 举出 一个 实际 的 例子, 以 扩充 自己的 答案。
参考回答 1 I think that the media treats famous people very badly. They often seem to be looking for problems, particularly in famous people’ s private lives. I wish they would respect famous people’ s privacy. Sometimes, they even hound famous people’ s family and friends.
参考回答 2 I think the media in my country treats them well. They don’ t ask too many personal questions. I heard that, in other countries, the media will ask friends of famous people for information, but the media doesn’ t do that in my country. The media doesn’ t often breach the privacy of famous people— at least, not yet.
6. Why do you think ordinary people are interested in the lives of famous people?
题目分析 很多 考生 在 回答 问题 的 过程中 会 将 重点 放在“ are interested…” 上, 实际 本 问题 的 要点 是“ Why”。 考生 应 回答 出人 们 关注 名人 的 原因 来。
参考回答 1 I think that many ordinary people are bored with their own lives and reading about the lives of famous people allows them to fantasize a little. Very often, famous people set fashion trends, which women in particular like to try and follow. Famous people are often very wealthy and this attracts many people. I mean, most people would like to be wealthy.
参考回答 2 I think that they want to know what clothes they are wearing, which cars they drive, and things like that. Ordinary people think that famous people lead glamorous lives and have the best of everything. They want to know about these things.