In this essay, I shall say why I believe that increasing petrol prices is the best way to reduce traffic and pollution problems and suggest other measures that might be effective.
If the price of petrol is increased, it is likely that people will try to use less of it. This should see a reduction in car use and therefore less pollution. Some people claim that this will have negative effects on the economy, but I disagree. People will almost certainly use less petrol in cases where using it is not very economic. For example, most drivers use their vehicles for short journeys which they could easily make on foot. It is these journeys that they are likely to stop making by car, not essential ones for their private lives or for work.
Another way of reducing traffic problems is to only allow certain cars to use the roads on given days. This method was used effectively in Beijing during the Olympic Games, reducing both traffic problems and pollution without any significant negative effects on the local economy. However, for a scheme like this to be successful, there needs to be a good public transport system.
Pollution can also be reduced by using other forms of energy generation. If we use these, we can make our economy better in the long term by investing in the technologies of the future. We will also improve the health of the population through having less pollution.
To summarise, I think that increasing petrol prices is the best way of reducing traffic and pollution problems and that there are other good ways of achieving this.