1. versatile /'vɜːsətaɪl/
e.g. Teachers have to be versatile to cope with different ability levels.
e.g. The tool is both versatile and practical.
注:practical 实用的。
syn: Renaissance man (尤指在艺术和科学方面)多才多艺者
Renaissance 原为文艺复兴
e.g. He's a writer, politician, musician and athlete,a real Renaissance man.
2. Down-to-earth
adj. 现实的;务实的;
e.g. She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.
注:pretension 自命不凡
反观一个人如果不切实际异想天开,可以说是a dreamer.
e.g. She is young, naive and an idealistic dreamer.
e.g. She was a fusion of the dreamer and doer.
注:doer 实干家;身体力行者
只说不做的人即:a talker
如口语Part3:What kinds of people are popular at work?
Of course, people appreciate a “doer” rather than a “talker” or a dreamer!
3. Laid-back
adj. 随和的;淡然的
e.g. I've never seen her worried or anxious in any way - she's so laid-back.
laid-back 在话题中也可以用来描述某个地方慢节奏的生活方式。
e.g. XX is a laid back city, a place where you can really escape the strains of everyday life with inspirational landscapes and tranquil activities.
4. broad-minded /'brɔ:d'maindid/
adj. 胸襟开阔的;度量大的
e.g. He was broad-minded enough not to censure the girl by word or act.
注:censure 责备;责怪
e.g. He is a narrow-minded person who would crow over other's failure.
注:crow over 对…幸灾乐祸