1. ancestor
n. 祖宗;祖先;
e.g. to worship the ancestors 祭祖
e.g. Twelve thousand years ago, our ancestors were primitive savages living in caves.
注:savage 野蛮人;未开化的人
听力真题 6-4-4
The ancestors of the Gir Sanctuary lions were protected by a prince.
It is because all of them are descended from a few dozen lions that were saved by a prince.
注:be descended from起源于…;是…的后裔
n. descendant
syn. antecedent
ante- 前缀:“前面”“在…之前”
e.g. Many people feel a great curiosity to find out about their antecedents.
predecessor: /'priːdɪsesə/
n. a person who had a job or position before someone else. 更多侧重于工作上的前辈,前任等。
2. immediate
adj. 直系的;
Hospital visits are limited to immediate family. 直系亲属。
如:parents; spouses; children;grandparents
另有一个表达:nuclear family
e.g. Today we tend to live in small nuclear families rather than large extended families.
注:extended family 大家庭
distant family 远房亲戚
close-knit family/ community
3. bond /ˈbɑːnd/
n. 纽带;联系;关系
e.g. family/kinship bonds 家庭/亲属关系
e.g. Family meals allow for conversation and strengthen the family bonds.
e.g. Lilo meets and forms an unbreakable bond with Stitch.
注:口语话题常用 strengthen/form/ forge bonds 表示亲情;友情;爱情等纽带关系。
v. 形成亲近关系 bond with sb.
e.g. We were strangers at first, but we bonded with each other quickly.
4. lineage /'lɪnɪɪdʒ/
n. 家系;家族;血统
They can trace their lineage back to the 18th century. 血统追溯到…
5. kinship
n. 亲属关系;
n. 亲切感;亲近感
搭配:feel a (sense of) kinship
e.g. He feels a strong kinship with his admirers and fans.