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雅思词汇解析(56)| 历史建筑

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雅思词汇解析(56)| 历史建筑


  1. preserve /prɪ'zɜːv/

  v. 保护;保存;维护

  e.g. It is imperative to preserve historic buildings because they are very important in a country’s tourism industry.

  e.g. Historic buildings are always under threat from landowners and city planner who look for the ways to make money and increase property value.

  n. preservation 保存;保持

  搭配:in a …state of preservation 保护程度;保存程度

  e.g. The buildings are in a good state of preservation.

  同义:be perfectly /well preserved

  2. demolish /dɪ'mɒlɪʃ/

  v. 摧毁,拆毁,拆除(建筑物等)

  e.g. The building is now being demolished to make way for a motorway.

  e.g. The old factory was demolished to make way for a new parking lot.

  补充:make way for 为…让路

  口语话题:what do you think will happen to historic places or building in the future?

  回答:I guess the government will take a pragmatic approach to preserve historic sites. What I mean is that they will support those that can be restored to their original condition while demolishing those that have fallen into disrepair because of age and weather.

  补充:pragmatic 实用的;务实的

  fall into disrepair 失修;破损

  n. demolition (建筑物的)摧毁,拆毁,拆除

  听力11-3-2:It's become more and more shabby-looking, and because of fears about safety, it was threatened with demolition. The good news is that it will close for six weeks to be made safe and redecorated, and the improved building will open in July.

  补充:shabby-looking 破旧的;破败的

  3. renovate /'renəveɪt/

  v. 修复;改造;翻新

  e.g. The cost of maintaining and renovating historical structure can be prohibitive for some nations.

  e.g. They've painted and renovated nearly 900 homes and built over 100 from scratch.

  补充:from scratch 从零开始;从头开始

  prohibitive 费用高得令很多人负担不起的

  n. renovation 翻新;修复;整修

  搭配:undergo renovation 在翻修中

  e.g. The church was undergoing renovations when it was gutted by the fire.

  e.g. They are to carry out extensive renovations to the building.

  4. deterioration /di,tiəriə'reiʃən/

  n. 恶化;变坏;衰退

  e.g. It is not easy to protect historic building. One challenge is that natural wear and tear that occurs over the time can lead to deterioration and damage.

  补充:wear and tear (正常的)磨损,损耗

  v. deteriorate 变坏; 情况变差

  e.g. Buildings are designed to hold up to twice as much load as is deemed necessary - but that strength decreases as a building ages and deteriorates over time.

  adj.衰败的;破损的 = run-down

  e.g. a deteriorated/ run-down building 危房


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