100 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔
Moby Dick was a flop at the time, but Melville is remembered as the American Shakespeare
Herman Melville (August 1, 1819 – September 28, 1891) was an American novelist, short story writer, essayist and poet, whose work is often classified as part of the genre of dark romanticism. He is best known for his novel Moby-Dick and novella Billy Budd, the latter of which was published posthumously.
His first three books gained much attention, the first becoming a bestseller, but after a fast-blooming literary success in the late 1840s, his popularity declined precipitously in the mid-1850s and never recovered during his lifetime. When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the "Melville Revival" in the early 20th century that his work won recognition, most notably Moby-Dick which was hailed as one of the chief literary masterpieces of both American and world literature. He was the first writer to have his works collected and published by the Library of America.
The Works
"Who shall tell all the thoughts and feelings of Pierre in that desolate and shivering room, when at last the idea obtruded, that the wiser and the profounder he should grow, the more and the more he lessened the chances for bread; that could he now hurl his deep book out of the window, and fall to on some shallow nothing of a novel, composable in a month at the longest, then could he reasonably hope for both appreciation and cash. But the devouring profundities, now opened up in him, consume all his vigor; would he, he could not now be entertainingly and profitably shallow in some pellucid and merry romance." --Pierre, Book XXII
Publishing History, Excerpts, Contemporary Reviews
Typee (1846)
Omoo (1847)
Mardi (1849)
Redburn (1849)
White-Jacket (1850)
Moby-Dick (1851)
Pierre (1852)
Israel Potter (1855)
Piazza Tales (1856)
The Confidence-Man (1857)
Battle Pieces (1866)
Clarel (1876)
John Marr and Other Sailors (1888)
Timoleon (1891)
Billy Budd (posthumous, 1924)
Uncollected Prose (1839-1856)
直到了本世纪二三十年代,西方评论家才对麦尔维尔的后期作品,尤其是《白鲸》非常感兴趣,赞誉它为一部美国文学经典著作。1956年06月27日,由导演约翰·休斯顿 John Huston根据小说改编的电影《白鲸记》(又名Moby Dick)在美国上映。
梅尔维尔,H.(Herman Melvill l819-1891)
小说家、诗人。1819年8月1日生于纽约,15岁离开学校,做过银行小职员、皮货店店员和教师。1839年在一条去英国利物浦的商船上充当服务员,接触海洋,对他以后的创作产生了影响。1841年他22岁时再度航海,在捕鲸船“阿古希耐”号上充当水手,航行于南太平洋一带。他后来的杰作《白鲸》取材于这次海上生活。1842年7月离船,曾为南太平洋马克萨斯群岛有食人生番之称的泰皮族所俘虏。脱逃后于当年8月在一条澳大利亚商船上作水手,因违犯纪律,被囚在塔希提岛。越狱后在当地各岛漫游,所闻所见后来写进他的《欧穆》一书中。11月,他到一艘捕鲸船上做投叉手。 1843年8月又在一艘军舰上做水手,1844年10月在波士顿退伍。后开始写作。
梅尔维尔最初的两本书《泰皮》(1846)和《欧穆》(1847),是根据他在泰皮和塔希提的见闻经过艺术加工而写成的游记。1847年梅尔维尔开始创作《玛地》,并同纽约文艺界接触,经常为文艺刊物写稿。1849年梅尔维尔出版《雷得本》, 1850年出版《白外衣》,都写航海生活,也都获得好评。这年夏天他与霍桑相识,两人成为邻居和朋友。1851年梅尔维尔出版他最重要的作品《白鲸》,这部小说以充实的思想内容、史诗般的规模和沉郁瑰奇的文笔,成为杰出的作品,但在当时却没有得到重视。