DURING its rise in the 17th century, Amsterdam was animportant haven for religious dissidents. It was also the publishing centre forthe racyphilosophical tracts that were too hot to be printed in France or England. The city’s economicfortunes were born of its embrace of international trade and of financialinnovation. And the highly profitable Dutch East IndiaCompany was the world’s first joint-stock company, leading in time to theworld’s first stock and options markets.
In the late 20th century the Dutch capitalwas famous for its tolerance of marijuana cafés and prostitution. But Amsterdam’s liberalheritage has become a battleground. The murder by an Islamist fanatic of Theovan Gogh, a controversial film-maker, in 2004 sparked clashes over relationswith the city’s Muslim minority. City planners have shifted from a socialistvision of liberalism to a yuppified one, rooting out squatters and shrinkingthe red-light district while courting multinational corporations withfavourable tax conditions.
Mr Shorto, an American who has lived in theDutch capital for six years, sprinkles the book with personal anecdotes thatillustrate how history suffuses the present. While studying the journal of anAugustinian prior who had fled to the city to escape the religious violence ofthe Netherlands’war of independence, the author realises that the diary was written, in 1572,next door to his flat. To illustrate a later episode of religious conflict, heintroduces the reader to a Holocaust survivor, a childhood acquaintance of Anne Frank. His account of Amsterdam’s physical growth is just asengrossing. The ring of canals, which visitors nowadays think of as quaint,were a marvel of engineering when they were built in the 1600s, a testament tothe city’s status as Europe’s premier trading entrepot.
索托先生(Mr Shorto)是一位已在荷兰首都生活了6个年头的美国人,他的书中都是阐明现时阿姆斯特丹弥漫着历史印记的个人轶事。在研究先前一名逃离到阿姆斯特丹躲避荷兰独立战争宗教暴力的奥古斯丁修会会士写的日记时,索托先生发现该日记写于1572年,记录地点就位于他公寓的隔壁。为了阐述下一场宗教冲突,他向读者介绍了大屠杀中的一名幸存者、安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)的童年朋友。他记录的阿姆斯特丹有形发展也同样引人入胜。如今让游客们觉得怪异的运河回荡声,是17世纪建造它们的设计师们创造的工程奇迹,这证明了阿姆斯特丹作为欧洲最早的贸易中心的地位。
But Mr Shorto’s main ambition is to showhow the liberal idea was born in Amsterdam.He leans here on the recent work of Jonathan Israel, a British-born professorof modern European history at Princeton, whose influential three-volumerethinking of the Enlightenment gives a central place to Amsterdam’s most famous philosopher, BaruchSpinoza. For Mr Israel,Spinoza was the progenitor of the “radical” Enlightenment, those thinkers whorefused any accommodation with religion or traditional authority. It isinteresting to consider Amsterdam’s currenttensions in the light of the struggles Spinoza witnessed between tolerantrationalism and religious nationalism, which ended with the lynching in 1672 ofhis political heroes, the De Witt brothers, and the end of Holland’s Golden Age.