abnormally absence absolutely absorb abstract abundant abuse academic academy accelerate accept v acceptability性质,状态,行为,过程 名词后缀 n Acceptance (表示"性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度) 名词后缀n access accessible形容词后缀 (1)带有“属性,倾向,相关”的含义 accident accommodate accommodation accompany accomplish accomplishment according to account account for accumulate accuracy accurate accurately achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire action activate active activity actual actually adage adapt adaptable adaptive add addition additional address adequate adjust administer administrator admit adopt adoption adult adulthood advance advanced advantage advantageous adventure advertise advertising advice advise affect afford affordable against agency
back background backward bait balance Ban Barely hardly base basic basis bear beat become begin behave behavior belief believe belong below bend beneficial benefit bent besides biology biological biologist blame blind block boost bottle bottom brain brake breakdown breakthrough breed break
choice clever calculate calculation caloric canal cancel cancer capability capable capital capture care cartoon case collect collection cause circle celebration center central century certain chain challenge change channel characteristic charge check chemical childhood choice choose chronic caution circulate circumstance cite civilisation claim classic classify clerk click climate climatic clinic clue coach coastline cognitive coincidence collapse collate colleague casual category colony colossal combat combination combine comfort comfortable comment commercial commit commitment
decide decision declaration declare decline decrease dedicate deduce deem defensive deficiency define definition degrade degree delay deliver delivery demand demanding demonstrate density deny department depend dependent deposit depress deprive depth derive from descendent describe description deserve design desire desire despite destination destroy destruction detail detailed
embrace emerge emission emit emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employment enable encounter encourage end up endanger endurance energy engage engage in engineer engross enhance enjoy enormous enquiry ensure entire environment environmental equal equally equator equip equipment equivalent error escape essence essential essentially establish establishment estimate ethical evaluate even evenly event eventually evidence evidently evitable evolution evolutionary evolve exact exactly exaggerate examination examine excavation exceed except exception exceptional excess exchange
figure fill final finally finance financial finitude firm fitness fix flat flexibility flexible flight flourish fluctuate fluent focus follow following for
instance for the sake of force foreign form formal format former formulate fortunately fortune foster found fragment framework freedom freeze frequency frequent frustrating fuel fulfill function fund fundamental further furthermore future
gain gather gene general generally generate generation genetic genius geographic geography gesture giant given that global globalisation globe goal good-quality government grade gradual gradually grant graphic grasp growing growth guarantee guess guidance guide
habit habitat hand handle happen harbour harm harsh healthy height herbal heritage hesitation hidden highlight highly hinder hold horizontal hospital host humanistic hundredth hunt hunter hypothesis ideal identity ignorance ignore illegal illness illustrate illustration image imagination imaginative imbalance immediate immediately immense immune impact implement implication import importance important impose impress impression impressive