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雅思阅读真题解析-剑15Test2Passage2-Should we try to bring extinct-段落信息配对题

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雅思阅读真题解析-剑15Test2Passage2-Should we try to bring extinct-段落信息配对题


Questions 14-17

Reading Passage 2 has six paragraphs, A-F.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

题目要求有NB, 所以有一段选两次。


a reference to how further disappearance of multiple species could be avoided


题干可以划关键词的有further disappearance和avoid。这道题用的是could be,对将来的假设,所以位置可能靠后出现。


F While the prospect of bringing, extinct animals back to life might capture imaginations, it is, of course, far easier to try to save an existing species which is merely threatened with extinction. ‘Many of the technologies that people have in mind when they think about de-extinction can be used as a form of “genetic rescue”, explains Shapiro. She prefers to focus the debate on how this emerging technology could be used to fully understand why various species went extinct in the first place, and therefore how we could use it to make genetic modifications which could prevent mass extinctions in the future. ‘I would also say there’s an incredible moral hazard to not do anything at all,’she continues, ‘We know that what we are doing today is not enough, and we have to be willing to take some calculated and measured risks.'


上文倒数两句用来选人名观点了,所以看倒数第三句。这句中的we could use it to make genetic modifications对应题干中的how,这句中的could prevent对应题干中的could be avoided,这句中的mass extinctions in the future 对应题干中的further disappearance of multiple species,所以这道题选F。


explanation of a way of reproducing an extinct animal using the DNA of only that species


题干可以划关键词的有reproducing, extinct animal和DNA。这道题中的extinct animal在原文中对应具体的动物。这里的DNA在原文中可能会对应跟gene相关的词。


A… Geneticist Ben Novak is lead researcher on an ambitious project which now aims to bring the bird back to life through a process known as ‘de extinction’. The basic premise involves using cloning technology to turn the DNA of extinct animals into a fertilised embryo, which is carried by the nearest relative still in existence - in this case, the abundant band-tailed pigeon - before being born as a living, breathing animal…

C…A more practical approach for long-extinct species is to take the DNA of existing species as a template, ready for the insertion of strands of extinct animal DNA to create something new; a hybrid, based on the living species, but which looks and/or acts like the animal which died out.


A段中出现DNA的句子可以划关键词的有DNA of extinct animals对应题干中的the DNA of only that species,这句中的turn the DNA of extinct animals into a fertilised embryo, which is carried by the nearest relative【把已灭绝的物种的DNA放到受精胚胎中,血缘关系最密切的物种会携带这个胚胎】对应题干中的explanation of a way of reproducing【繁殖…的一种方式】,所以这道题选A。

C段中出现DNA的句子中的take the DNA of existing species【取出现存物种的DNA】,跟题干中的extinct animal using the DNA of only that species是矛盾的,因为题干说的是已灭绝物种的DNA,所以这道题不能选C。


reference to a habitat which has suffered following the extinction of a species


题干可以划关键词的有habitat和extinction of a species。这里的habitat在原文中可能会对应具体的栖息地。


D This complicated process and questionable outcome begs the question: what is the actual point of this technology? ‘For us, the goal has always been replacing the extinct species with a suitable replacement,’explains Novak. ‘When it comes to breeding, band-tailed pigeons scatter and make maybe one or two nests per hectare, whereas passenger pigeons were very social and would make 10,000 or more nests in one hectare.' Since the disappearance of this key species, ecosystems in the eastern US have suffered, as the lack of disturbance caused by thousands of passenger pigeons wrecking trees and branches means there has been minimal need for regrowth. This has left forests stagnant and therefore unwelcoming to the plants and animals which evolved to help regenerate the forest after a disturbance. According to Novak, a hybridised band-tailed pigeon, with the added nesting habits of a passenger pigeon, could, in theory, re-establish that forest disturbance, thereby creating a habitat necessary for a great many other native species to thrive.


上文最后一句和倒数第二句我们已经用来选人名观点配对题了。倒数第三句中的Since the disappearance of this key species对应题干中的following the extinction of a species,这句中的ecosystems in the eastern US对应题干中的a habitat,这句中的have suffered在题干中原词重现,所以这道题选D。


mention of the exact point at which a particular species became extinct


题干可以划关键词的有exact point和a particular species。这里的exact point在原文中很有可能对应具体的时间和地点。这里的particular species在原文中对应具体的动物。


A The passenger pigeon was a legendary species. Flying in vast numbers across North America, with potentially many millions within a single flock, their migration was once one of nature’s great spectacles. Sadly, the passenger pigeon’s existence came to an end on 1 September 1914, when the last living specimen died at Cincinnati Zoo. Geneticist Ben Novak is lead researcher on an ambitious project which now aims to bring the bird back to life through a process known as ‘de extinction’. The basic premise involves using cloning technology to turn the DNA of extinct animals into a fertilised embryo, which is carried by the nearest relative still in existence - in this case, the abundant band-tailed pigeon - before being born as a living, breathing animal. Passenger pigeons are one of the pioneering species in this fields but they are far from the only ones on which this cutting edge technology is being trialled.


上文第二句出现了时间on 1 September 1914和at Cincinnati Zoo,这两个内容可以对应题干中的the exact point, 这句中的passenger pigeon对应题干中的a particular species,这句中的existence came to an end对应题干中的became extinct,所以这道题选A。


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